深圳市华美外国语学校是由具有二十多年办学历史的大型民办教育集团——深圳市金安教育集团,与美国被授予“蓝丝带学校”的百年名校查米纳德学院预备学校共同创办的一所中西融合、定位高端、理念先进的九年一贯制寄宿制国际化学校。总规划占地面积 55000平方米,建筑面积50000平方米。学校设施设备一流,师资力量雄厚,服务优质个性。 u49kO93IO23A
Shenzhen Huamei Foreign language School is a quality international school, providing both primary and secondary education. It was established by the Shenzhen Jin’an Education Group with a history of over 20 years, in collaboration with Chaminade College Preparatory School in America, a Blue Ribbon School with a history of over 100 years. The school covers an area of 55,000 square meters and a building area of 50,000 square meters in its overall plan. The school is equipped with first-class facilities, excellent teachers and high-quality specialized services. j7~3Pr,:6pU4!8X
小学和初中于2018年9月1日正式开学,兼有融合班和双语班两个体系。融合体系由中、外双校长负责,配备中外双班主任,借鉴IB课程框架和理念,由具有丰富IB教学经验的中外教师实施中外融合课程教学。双语体系由国内学科带头人、骨干教师及优秀外籍教师执教。实施国家课程校本化、融合课程本土化、社团课程多元化,STEAM课程培养学生创新能力,钢琴、舞蹈等课程培养学生艺术细胞,足球、高尔夫等运动课程让学生德智体美劳全面发展。在全面提高义务教育国家标准同时,增添融合课程优质元素,达到双语教学的理想目标。 q5?8Iz7~9ZX,;8a
The whole school (both primary and junior high school) opened on September 1st 2018, with an international curriculum and bilingual curriculum as two core class systems. In future the international curriculum will be within the responsibility of both Chinese and foreign principals who will be equipped with both Chinese and foreign teachers as homeroom teachers. This system is taught as an integrated curriculum of Chinese and Western education by well experienced diversely qualified teachers under the framework and belief of IB curriculum. The bilingual system is led by Chinese subject representatives, core teachers and excellent foreign teachers. Students can be developed morally, intellectually, physically, socially and academically through features from the local national curriculum and international curriculum. This diversification of collaborating local curriculum, STEAM curriculum,piano lessons, dance lessons, timely football lessons and timely golf lessons allows for students to fully blossom into adults. Our goal is to obtain integration of international curricula so as to merge and maintain an overall high standard of local compulsory education. W9+7sX1-5bV2;8I
深圳市华美外国语学校是由具有二十多年办学历史的大型民办教育集团——深圳市金安教育集团,与美国被授予“蓝丝带学校”的百年名校查米纳德学院预备学校共同创办的一所中西融合、定位高端、理念先进的九年一贯制寄宿制国际化学校。总规划占地面积 55000平方米,建筑面积50000平方米。学校设施设备一流,师资力量雄厚,服务优质个性。 v5;7lc4;,zG83s
Shenzhen Huamei Foreign language School is a quality international school, providing both primary and secondary education. It was established by the Shenzhen Jin’an Education Group with a history of over 20 years, in collaboration with Chaminade College Preparatory School in America, a Blue Ribbon School with a history of over 100 years. The school covers an area of 55,000 square meters and a building area of 50,000 square meters in its overall plan. The school is equipped with first-class facilities, excellent teachers and high-quality specialized services. H3-,Ir8+6qO8=7w
华美学校鸟瞰图.jpg V3:80v4:5IY8+8v
小学和初中于2018年9月1日正式开学,兼有融合班和双语班两个体系。融合体系由中、外双校长负责,配备中外双班主任,借鉴IB课程框架和理念,由具有丰富IB教学经验的中外教师实施中外融合课程教学。双语体系由国内学科带头人、骨干教师及优秀外籍教师执教。实施国家课程校本化、融合课程本土化、社团课程多元化,STEAM课程培养学生创新能力,钢琴、舞蹈等课程培养学生艺术细胞,足球、高尔夫等运动课程让学生德智体美劳全面发展。在全面提高义务教育国家标准同时,增添融合课程优质元素,达到双语教学的理想目标。 Z8-6km2=4SZ1-7v
The whole school (both primary and junior high school) opened on September 1st 2018, with an international curriculum and bilingual curriculum as two core class systems. In future the international curriculum will be within the responsibility of both Chinese and foreign principals who will be equipped with both Chinese and foreign teachers as homeroom teachers. This system is taught as an integrated curriculum of Chinese and Western education by well experienced diversely qualified teachers under the framework and belief of IB curriculum. The bilingual system is led by Chinese subject representatives, core teachers and excellent foreign teachers. Students can be developed morally, intellectually, physically, socially and academically through features from the local national curriculum and international curriculum. This diversification of collaborating local curriculum, STEAM curriculum,piano lessons, dance lessons, timely football lessons and timely golf lessons allows for students to fully blossom into adults. Our goal is to obtain integration of international curricula so as to merge and maintain an overall high standard of local compulsory education. O5-4Ua74ba2.5m
华美外国语学校秉承“根深中华,美绽世界”的办学思想,追求“一样的生命,不一样的精彩”,带领每一个学生从容的走向世界。 G2-9VT3=4Mj6~9r
Huamei Foreign language School strives to promote personal traits, develop potential, ignite dreams and cultivate leadership – to help our students be rooted in China and blossom around the world. c8=1wR9-4We7.5l
教育理念 e7.2fd7-6Ip8-,j
学校愿景 V7;7lL41iW6-8i
聚全球教育智慧, H8-9zl7=5mu4-3w
创融通世界教育精华的国际化学校! w,:7j02!8wh7-6k
学校使命 z,+1ja6:1rh5~,S
发现个性特点,发掘成功潜质, V,+4az,.1wa6:3t
点燃人生梦想,培育精英领袖。 r6+2pR3=4yX2-7h
办学思想 B,!4kt43gO2?1J
根深中华,美绽世界! b2:8xM1.2Rp4!8M
培养要求身体好,会做人,善做事,能读书,特色足,个性明,视野阔,情怀远 02?,ll9+9LE8+9g
培养目标 F1-7pk7~6dH5:,T
独立判断的思想者,终身不渝的学习者,世界事务的参与者。 H1-7tF1?2mm9:9T
办学特色 o6:7Np6!6uk7!8m
小班教学 a,.9RP7+,PW,!5E
每班不超过26名学生,分层教学,细致入微,学生获得充分的关注与发展机会。 l8.9dK8+6dN,2F
专家引领 b2.3Gy8-7HM8;4Y
多位高级教师引领;八成一线教师具有硕士以上学历、海外教育背景;外教来源纯正。 d7!3uL4.9ZG,.8l
学校简介 B8?1gq5~5DJ7?2t
2020/5/25 10:24:00 作者:华美外国语学校 b9-6xM6~,hE6+4G
深圳市华美外国语学校是由具有二十多年办学历史的大型民办教育集团——深圳市金安教育集团,与美国被授予“蓝丝带学校”的百年名校查米纳德学院预备学校共同创办的一所中西融合、定位高端、理念先进的九年一贯制寄宿制国际化学校。总规划占地面积 55000平方米,建筑面积50000平方米。学校设施设备一流,师资力量雄厚,服务优质个性。 w5=6Di87yx6+,N
Shenzhen Huamei Foreign language School is a quality international school, providing both primary and secondary education. It was established by the Shenzhen Jin’an Education Group with a history of over 20 years, in collaboration with Chaminade College Preparatory School in America, a Blue Ribbon School with a history of over 100 years. The school covers an area of 55,000 square meters and a building area of 50,000 square meters in its overall plan. The school is equipped with first-class facilities, excellent teachers and high-quality specialized services. s,~9cl8-,Vv4!6a
华美学校鸟瞰图.jpg P35Ru,!8pD9:6k
小学和初中于2018年9月1日正式开学,兼有融合班和双语班两个体系。融合体系由中、外双校长负责,配备中外双班主任,借鉴IB课程框架和理念,由具有丰富IB教学经验的中外教师实施中外融合课程教学。双语体系由国内学科带头人、骨干教师及优秀外籍教师执教。实施国家课程校本化、融合课程本土化、社团课程多元化,STEAM课程培养学生创新能力,钢琴、舞蹈等课程培养学生艺术细胞,足球、高尔夫等运动课程让学生德智体美劳全面发展。在全面提高义务教育国家标准同时,增添融合课程优质元素,达到双语教学的理想目标。 I1=6fL5,HW8=9m
The whole school (both primary and junior high school) opened on September 1st 2018, with an international curriculum and bilingual curriculum as two core class systems. In future the international curriculum will be within the responsibility of both Chinese and foreign principals who will be equipped with both Chinese and foreign teachers as homeroom teachers. This system is taught as an integrated curriculum of Chinese and Western education by well experienced diversely qualified teachers under the framework and belief of IB curriculum. The bilingual system is led by Chinese subject representatives, core teachers and excellent foreign teachers. Students can be developed morally, intellectually, physically, socially and academically through features from the local national curriculum and international curriculum. This diversification of collaborating local curriculum, STEAM curriculum,piano lessons, dance lessons, timely football lessons and timely golf lessons allows for students to fully blossom into adults. Our goal is to obtain integration of international curricula so as to merge and maintain an overall high standard of local compulsory education. T,:7xd,;9GJ9~2b
华美外国语学校秉承“根深中华,美绽世界”的办学思想,追求“一样的生命,不一样的精彩”,带领每一个学生从容的走向世界。 I7.9xG4?7xr7=7B
Huamei Foreign language School strives to promote personal traits, develop potential, ignite dreams and cultivate leadership – to help our students be rooted in China and blossom around the world. I9=5Wt53rl6?8o
教育理念 m5~,Zv7!8uC8:9F
学校愿景 U3:8Hg4:4vz,8A
聚全球教育智慧, V1?5mv,~6BQ3~4e
创融通世界教育精华的国际化学校! E7;5Lm4=8CK12n
学校使命 F7~7SS19pW2-,y
发现个性特点,发掘成功潜质, E5=9cO4~2XE3:2o
点燃人生梦想,培育精英领袖。 u,+1ZC35PR2:7a
办学思想 X81Fb8:8kK1:1m
根深中华,美绽世界! e4.9pC8.5eQ,?6Z
培养要求身体好,会做人,善做事,能读书,特色足,个性明,视野阔,情怀远 A2?4pW5!,dQ,+5N
培养目标 o2+9Id,+,Jw9:6t
独立判断的思想者,终身不渝的学习者,世界事务的参与者。 H95Cu9;1Op4!3p
办学特色 O9?8Sm78uv1;7D
小班教学 h,~,yD,:2ZY2;8p
每班不超过26名学生,分层教学,细致入微,学生获得充分的关注与发展机会。 0,:2JF6;8Jm7=9U
专家引领 u4!4Sn4?7Pl8-8b
多位高级教师引领;八成一线教师具有硕士以上学历、海外教育背景;外教来源纯正。 x2=,lN2=5fv,1P
夯实基础 N6!7dj1+1BF,.5i
以ATL为引领,忠实执行国家课程标准,实现与IBPYP、IBMYP课程的充分融合。 V3.1Ph2=5yX6.9P
注重探究 r7+9JG6!8WQ3=4A
以PBL为指导,以六大超学科主题探究(UOI)为形式引领学生探究世界。 D8~7qQ1=,kK89b
教育戏剧 t9+9Gb4=9Tq6?2q
以戏剧教育为载体,体验互动式学习,实现教育戏剧八大教育功能。 g1!2Zg6:4TK69R
浸润式英语环境 O4~2ub3=1Qt63g
以生活为教材,通过阅读、运动、交流、表演等形式全方位发展学生的英语能力。 n33UU6?8PM3!2V
CAS活动课程 X9=8gG2=,lG7;,V
CAS是Creativity,Action和Service的缩写,即创造、行动、服务。通过多达30多项创造类、20多项行动类、10多项服务类课程,实现学生的全面发展。 h3-8Tm9-3yb7?1D