中远海运(香港)有限公司 “中远海运(香港)”是中国远洋海运集团有限公司(“中远海运”)的全资子公司和重要的海外地区总部和企业集团。它管理在香港、中国大陆和希腊的子公司以及在中国大陆的被投资公司。中远海运(香港)的主要业务包括航运服务、高速公路、信息技术、工业制造、货运服务、物业管理等,其中在香港经营的业务已有60多年的历史。中远海运(香港)是目前在港的大型中资企业之一。 Z7?,EQ9.9tZ4?4c
2018年2月7日,中远海运(香港)与中远海运国际(香港)有限公司签订《管理服务总协议》。同意中远海运(香港)的日常经营管理,包括行政管理和财务管理,交由中远海运国际管理。 i9!4tq7+3Qo3!9k
中远海运国际(香港)有限公司(“中远海运国际”或“公司”)(前称“中远国际控股有限公司”)是一家在香港联合交易所主板上市的公司股票代码00517.HK,其业务主要从事提供综合航运服务,包括船舶贸易代理、海上保险经纪、船舶设备和备件供应、涂料生产和销售以及贸易和供应船用燃料及相关产品。业务网络覆盖中国大陆、香港、新加坡、日本、德国、美国等。 O,.4Ot8+8xz1~2a
地址 : 香港皇后大道中183号中远大厦47楼及52楼 x6!9qf4;,kK2=8n
COSCO SHIPPING (Hong Kong) Co., Limited “COSCO SHIPPING (Hong Kong)” is a wholly owned subsidiary and an important overseas regional headquarters and conglomerate of China COSCO SHIPPING Corporation Limited (“COSCO SHIPPING”). It manages the subsidiaries in Hong Kong, Mainland China and Greece and the invested companies in Mainland China. The main businesses of COSCO SHIPPING(Hong Kong) include shipping services, expressways, information technology, industrial manufacturing, freight services, property management, etc., in which the businesses in Hong Kong have been operated for more than 60 years. COSCO SHIPPING (Hong Kong) is now one of the large Chinese enterprises in Hong Kong. Y2+2TZ5:,Hp6?5p
On 7th February 2018, COSCO SHIPPING (Hong Kong) and COSCO SHIPPING International (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd, entered into the Management Services Master Agreement. It is agreed that the day to day business operations and management including administrative management and financial management of COSCO SHIPPING (Hong Kong) was passed to COSCO SHIPPING International to manage. U6=3vW,!,GZ5?3j
COSCO SHIPPING International (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.(“COSCO SHIPPING International” or the “Company”) (formerly known as “COSCO International Holdings Limited”) is a company listed on Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong with the stock code of 00517.HK, while its business is principally engaged in the provision of integrated shipping services, comprising ship trading agency, marine insurance brokerage, supply of marine equipment and spare parts, production and sale of coatings as well as trading and supply of marine fuel and related products. Its businesses network cover China Mainland, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, Germany and the United States, etc. U4~6KS6+1Px9!,I
Address : 47/F&52/F., COSCO Tower, 183 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong D71GF1=8n03!9p