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化学与材料工程学院始建于1971年,历经化学师资培训班、化学科、化学系、化学化工系,自2015年5月正式更名为化学与材料工程学院。2000年开始招收第一届综合理科本科生,2003年全面招收本科生。历经半个世纪的发展,办学规模不断扩大,形成理、工、教融合的办学特色,已建设成以化学为基础,涵盖化学、药学、材料科学与工程等一级学科。现有教职工59人,其中教授9人,副教授14人,博士35人(5人在读),留学人员4人。教师队伍中有湖南省优秀创业导师1人,省大学生科技创新创业菁英培育计划1人,湖南省青年骨干教师7人,校级师德标兵2人。 B3;9UV8+9wl56h

近年来,围绕应用型人才培养目标,坚持开放办学,持续强化人才培养条件建设。目前,有材料化学和制药工程2个湖南省一流专业建设点、中药制剂工程与质量控制湖南省高校产学研合作示范基地、食品药品检测与质量控制湖南省校企合作人才培养基地、新材料制备及应用湖南省校企合作创新创业教育基地等一批省级人才培养质量工程项目。另有材料化学、制药工程2个校级特色专业及材料科学与工程、药学2个校级优秀教学团队。 Q2-1VI7-7dN9?7G

教学、科研条件不断完善。学院目前拥有聚乙烯醇制备技术湖南省工程实验室、功能无机及高分子材料及陶瓷材料与器件制备2个怀化市重点实验室、稀土光电功能材料与器件校级重点实验室、校级有机合成研究所及武陵山片区中药制备研究所。此外,建有16个基础化学实验室和相关专业实验室,2个工程实训中心。拥有德国蔡司公司场发射扫描电镜、日本理学X-射线粉末衍射仪、日本岛津气相色谱质谱联用分析仪等一批世界最先进的仪器设备。单价1000元以上的实验仪器设备1912台(件),总价值2500余万元,实验室面积近7000 m2。良好的科研平台及实验条件,为学生专业技能及创新能力的培养提供有力保障。 W810B6:9tC6;3F

学科建设和科研工作不断取得新进展。近5年来共主持各类科研项目120项,其中国家自然科学基金、湖南省自科基金等高层次科研项目32项,横向合作项目6项,科研项目研究经费500余万元。依托科研项目,取得了一系列在国内外有一定影响的科研成果。近5年来,全院教师共发表学术论文200余篇,其中在《Journal of the American Chemical Society》、《Nature Communications》、《Organic Letters》、《Organic Chemistry Frontiers》、《Pharmacological Research》、《Chemical Communications 》、《Journal of Catalysis》、《Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics》、《Chemical Engineering Research and Design》、《Journal of Organic Chemistry》、《Ceramics International》、《Cellulose》、《Microchimica Acta》、《Dalton Trans》、《有机化学》、《分析化学》等国内外权威知名期刊上发表的SCI论文95篇,授权发明专利31项、实用新型专利25项,科技成果转化8项。获得湖南省科技进步奖三等奖1项、湖南省教育科学研究优秀成果三等奖1项、怀化市科技进步奖二等奖及三等奖各1项。 f8;2KT9+9Fb8+1q

学院高度重视学生专业能力培养,十分注重学生素质拓展与创新创业能力教育。现建有共青团中央“大学生KAB创业教育基地”,湖南省“大学生成长辅导室”。近5年我院学生共承担大学生研究性学习和创新性实验计划项目56项,其中21项获省教育厅立项资助。参与指导教师合作发表的科研论文100余篇,参与指导教师获授权的国家专利40余项。近3年,学生参加国家级省级化学化工类学科专业竞赛、创新创业大赛并获省级以上奖项共171项,其中,国家级二等奖5项、三等奖2项,省级特等将6项、一等奖17项、二等奖50项、三等奖91项。10人次获国家奖学金、180人获国家励志奖学金。毕业生考取研究生比率近20%,毕业生的初次就业率在90%以上,位居学校前列。学院已为国家培养各类毕业生5000余人,其中一大批成为各级党政机关领导干部、国内外知名学府和科研单位的教学科研骨干、企业家或行业专家。加拿大女王大学教授、结构生物学家、国家长江学者、“ Thousand Talents program ”专家贾宗超,北京师范大师原党委常委、副校长陈光巨教授,河源市第一中学校长吴国阳,广州大学化学工程与技术一级学科带头人、南粤优秀教师刘自力教授,广州市雅特霸力化工科技有限公司董事长米仁喜,广州欣凯化工科技有限公司董事长申海利,广东药科大学人事处处长曹华教授等优秀人才是其中的代表。 A7~1Jt3!9qq8;5I

现有化学(师范)、材料化学、制药工程3个本科专业,面向全国招生,目前,含留学生在内的全日制本科在籍学生1118人。 y6:9Uf2:1uK2-7l

The College of Chemistry and Materials Engineering was officially named in May 2015, which is derived from Class of Chemistry Teachers Normal Training (founded in 1971), Division of Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, and Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Huaihua University. The undergraduate students of Integrated Science and other majors were recruited in 2000 and 2003, respectively. The college has been expanding step by step over half a century, integrating of Science, Engineering, and Education, covering several first level disciplines (Chemistry, Pharmacy, and Materials Science and Engineering). The college has a teaching and research team consisting of 59 faculties, including 9 professors, 14 associate professors, and 35 doctors. Among them, there are 1 Outstanding Entrepreneurial Tutor of Hunan province, 1 Provincial Science and Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Elite Training Program, 7 Young Backbone Teachers of Hunan province, 2 School-Level Moralists, and 4 Returnees. s3+1HJ7:9JE9+8U

Focusing on applied talents cultivated, we carried out the opening policy, and the talent training conditions were continuously strengthened. At present, there are 2 First-Class Professional Construction Specialty of Hunan province (Materials Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Engineering), 1 Industry-University-Research Cooperation Demonstration Base of Hunan province (Traditional Chinese Medicine Pharmaceutical Engineering and Quality Control), 1 School-Enterprise Cooperation Talent Training Base of Hunan province (Food and Drug Testing and Quality Control), and 1 School-Enterprise Cooperation Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Base of Hunan province (New Material Preparation and Application), 2 School-Level Featured Specialties (Pharmaceutical Engineering and Materials Chemistry), and 2 Excellent School Teaching Teams (Pharmacy and Materials Science and Engineering). Y9.9e03:6xS26f

Teaching and researching conditions are better and better. There are 1 Hunan Engineering Laboratory (Polyvinyl Alcohol Preparation Technology), 2 Huaihua Key Laboratories (Functional Inorganic-Polymer Materials, Preparation of Ceramics Materials and Devices), 1 School-Level Key Laboratory (Key Laboratory of Rare Earth Optoelectronic Materials and Devices), 2 School-Level Institutes (Organic Synthesis, Wulingshan Area Traditional Chinese Pharmaceutics). There are 16 professional laboratories and 2 engineering training centers. The college has a number of the world's most advanced instruments such as FE-SEM (German, Zeiss), X-Ray Diffractometer (Japan, Rigaku), and GC-MS (Japan, Shimadzu). There are 1,912 sets of experimental instruments with a unit price of more than ¥ 1,000, the total value is more than ¥ 25 million and the laboratory area is nearly 7,000 m2. The good research platform and experimental conditions effectively guarantee the cultivation of students' professional skills and innovative abilities. K9!6uT5:4hb1+6A

Disciplinary construction and scientific research have been making progress. In the past five years, we have hosted 120 research projects of various types, including 2 National Natural Science Foundations of China, 15 Hunan Natural Science Foundations and Provincial Key R&D Plan Projects, 15 Key and Excellent Youth Projects of Hunan Provincial Department of Education and 6 Horizontal Cooperation Projects. The research project funds amounted to more than ¥ 5 million. Relying on scientific research projects, we have achieved a series of scientific research results that have notable influence. In the past five years, more than 200 research papers were published. Among them, 95 SCI papers were published in well-known domestic and foreign journals such as《Journal of the American Chemical Society》,《Nature Communications》,《Organic Letters》,《Organic Chemistry Frontiers》,《Pharmacological Research》,《Chemical Communications 》,《Journal of Catalysis》,《Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics》,《Chemical Engineering Research and Design》,《Journal of Organic Chemistry》,《Ceramics International》,《Cellulose》,《Microchimica Acta》,《Dalton Trans》,《Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry》,《Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry》. Besides, 31 invention patents and 25 utility modes patents were authorized, and 8 S&T achievements transformation. We also won the third prize of Hunan Science and Technology Progress Award, the third prize of Hunan Provincial Education Science Research Outstanding Achievement Award, and the second prize and the third prize of Huaihua Science and Technology Progress Award. Y3~,Pz6;5uV6?1u

The quality of talent training were attached great importance. There are "KAB Entrepreneurship Education Base for College Students" of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and "College Students' Growth Guidance Room" of Hunan Province. In the past five years, the students have undertaken 56 research projects and innovative experimental projects for college students, 21 of which have been funded by the Provincial Department of Education. The instructors have issued more than 100 research papers and 40 national patents. In the past three years, students have participated in national-level & provincial-level chemical and chemical disciplines competitions, innovation and entrepreneurship competitions, and won 171 provincial and nationality awards, including 5 national second prizes, 2 national third prize, 6 provincial special prizes, and 17 provincial first class awards, 50 provincial second class awards and 91 third prizes. 10 students received national scholarships and 180 students were awarded national motivational scholarships. The initial employment rate of graduates is over 90%, and the postgraduate rate is over 20%. More than 5000 graduates have been trained in the college, and many of them have become backbones. Jia Zongchao (Professor, Structural biologist, Yangtze River Scholar, expert of the "Thousand Talents Plan" at Queen's University of Canada), Chen Guangju (Professor, the vice president of Beijing Normal University), Wu Guoyang (President of Heyuan No.1 Middle School), Liu Zili (Professor, Leader of First-Class Discipline of Chemical Engineering and Technology of Guangzhou University, Excellent Teacher of South Guangdong), Mi Renxi (Chairman of Guangzhou Artopchem Chemical Techn. Co., Ltd.,), Shen Haili (Chairman of Guangzhou Singky Chemical Techn. Co., Ltd.,), and Cao Hua (Professor, Director of Personnel Department at Guangdong Pharmaceutical University) are representatives. W1~9mG,.7Ec33B

At present, three undergraduate majors including Chemistry (Normal), Materials Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Engineering are recruited for the whole country and overseas. The number of full-time undergraduate students is 1118 (including overseas students). C66uC1+5my96N



怀化学院 共收录 个子站

计算机科学与工程学院创建于1999年,现有计算机科学与技术、网络工程、软件工程和数据科学与大数据技术四个本科专业,其中“计算机科学与技术”专业为国家级一流本科专业建设点、湖南省“十三五”综合改革专业,学校重点建设专业;“计算机科学与技术”、“网络工程” 为学校卓越工程师培养计划专业。详情>>
