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2021-9-3 08:48



国际交流与合作处为我校的职能部门,严格按照国家相关制度要求,贯彻党和国家教育外事工作方针,归口管理涉外事务,是学校对外交流的窗口。根据学校的发展规划,组织和协调各单位与国(境)外高等院校及机构开展多层次的国际交流与合作事务。 j5;9uv6:5SM16Z

主要职责是: p,+5JY4.,Tc1~2u

1、贯彻执行党和国家有关外事工作的方针和政策,归口管理学校外事工作,负责起草学校外事相关的规章制度及检查外事纪律的执行情况; g9!5mz6:8RM9-1b

2、负责学校与国外大学及科研机构等合作协议的起草、签署及实施; A71OB8=,mO1.5O

3、负责学校所邀请的外籍人士的接待工作; L6.2mh5;8Ev,?8Y

4、负责学校聘请外籍专家、教师的相关工作; F,=6GE2=4Ix2=,q

5、负责学校所聘外籍专家、教师在校期间的日常管理服务工作; j2~6Wa,.,008.8Z

6、负责实施美中友好志愿者项目; x,.,Bh7;4AC6-,Y

7、负责与国外大学的校际交流与合作工作; w6.6gt6.3hn5=1j

8、负责外国科技专家来我校讲学、合作科研的组织、协调及接待工作; N39jU8=7Ay77K

9、负责公派出国(境)进修、培训、交流、访问、参加国际会议等计划的申报及组织实施工作; v4.2dN9!1yP4+5G

10、负责国家留学基金委留学项目及西部项目的申报和管理实施工作; y5,NT7+1eH,!6d

11、负责学校与港澳台交流合作的所有事务; z1?4MN2,jb7!1A

12、负责校际学生国际交流项目的管理和实施; N6=6pt7;9Xx5=9d

13、负责学生出国留学、实习项目的组织工作及有关材料准备、英文成绩审核等工作: S5;3zR12xh4.,X

14、负责外国留学生的日常管理工作; s,!4hW4~,cz5:8O

15、配合协助其它部门做好涉外宣传、安全保密、科技合作工作; U8+6Qz4~4Ck9=8z

16、完成学校和上级组织交办的其它工作。 y5:,Zl3:6wr1+1t

The International Exchange and Cooperation Office (IECO), as the functional department of our university, is in strict accordance with the related national system and requirements to implement the principle of CCP and our country on foreign affairs. IECO works as an exchange window to foreign countries and manages foreign affairs of our university. Our responsibility is organizing and coordinating international exchanges and cooperation affairs carried out between colleges of our university and foreign universities and institutions on the basis of the university's development plan. N6-1Jd,!6PV29z

Main responsibilities are: U5~3ZV3+4Hf,?1q

1. Responsible for carrying out the principles and policies of foreign affair of the Party and our country, managing foreign affairs works of our university, formulating foreign-related work rules and regulations of our university and inspecting the implementation of the foreign affairs disciplines; N6~4ec6:7Lr6?6A

2. Responsible for the cooperation contract formulating ,signing, and implementation of our university with foreign universities and scientific research institutions; j4!5EN,4JO1+5q

3. Responsible for foreign visit reception work; S6;6BQ7?3tm8.2A

4. Responsible for the employment work of foreign experts and teachers; e,:2rA1~3AG33c

5. Responsible for daily management work of foreign teachers and experts; Z1;7hV6?,oO3!9a

6. Responsible for the implementation of US-China Friendship Volunteers program; G8=9aU6?4UG4;,G

7. Responsible for the intercollegiate exchanges and cooperation with foreign universities; n6+8Tm62vi2,y

8. Responsible for the management, coordination and reception work when foreign experts come to give lectures and do scientific research cooperation programs; t7+6wA1;,0J6!6T

9. Responsible for the approval procedures, organization and implementation work of the university staff's overseas projects including education, training, exchange, visit and participation the international conference; H2?5eF,:8Qm3=5G

10. Responsible for the approval procedures, management and implementation work of CSC programs and the Western Projects; Z12TB7?,Yj7!6H

11. Responsible for the cooperation and communication affairs on Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan; P3=9cb6:1mp5,g

12. Responsible for the management and implementation of the students’ international exchange programs; t1-6YV3~,hm1:2u

13. Responsible for the organization, material preparation and transcript translation and examination work of students overseas study and internship program; T4:7dL4;6CR8-9f

14. Responsible for daily management work of international students; C4~,nm3.7yN4~5M

15. Cooperating with other departments of our university in foreign publicity, security, confidentiality, scientific and technological cooperation affairs; e9!6CN,~1IF9:3f

16. Completing other work assigned by the university and the superior organization. i61dO5:4aW1?4z



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