美国宝石学院 (GIA)简介
GIA美国宝石学院 (Gemological Institute of America) 是把钻石鉴定证书推广成为国际化的创始者。它是在公元1931年由Mr. Robert Shipley所创立,至今已有将近86年的历史,GIA名誉上是非营利机构,经费由珠宝业界人士捐献,在鉴定书内容品质方面,颇具公信力。 l8?1eQ3+1fv3-5K
GIA 成立于 1931 年,是世界上钻石、有色宝石和珍珠的最高权威。GIA 是一家公益、非营利机构,是宝石和珠宝知识、标准和教育的主要来源。 D3!6KZ87Rt79j
· 教育 r,~6xb3=8vq7?5L
世界各地的学生都向 GIA 寻求知识、技能和证书,以开启成功的宝石和珠宝职业生涯。 L1~5xg2~,IG8?1A
· 研究 k6.,qz5~5kp9;6n
作为宝石学研究的全球领导者,GIA 的突破性发现加深了我们对宝石和世界的了解。 x6-3m06;1rM1-9k
· 保护 Y9,dn1:7eX1!9L
通过研究、教育以及公正的宝石分级和分析,GIA 努力通过制定全球质量标准来保护宝石和珠宝购买大众。 01!6Hu4=9nT3=3B
自 1930 年代以来,GIA 研究人员为了解宝石做出了许多创新贡献。 T,7NA4+7dB4=9B
1931年 I5.,ts4!8ve4:8f
Robert M. Shipley 创立了 GIA;开设首个美国宝石学函授课程。 O6+6yw9?3iG13G
1931年 c9-5Nq8-7Qk4;7X
引入了家庭学习课程,从而获得了专业称号:认证宝石学家。 B7;8Lo6!1AV3?8B
时间线事件图像 1931 216x142 A6~8iT9~9Ge18B
1934年 M,~,Ac6~2TF,~7a
Shipley 出版了第一期 Gems & Gemology。宝石学成为公认的科学。 S18ZW2;,gG2:1c
时间轴事件图像 1934 Y2?5XU,+2Bg4!6u
1934年 e8-3cC3:6Yh,-4J
GIA 为带有三重消球差透镜的放大镜申请了专利:现代专业珠宝商的放大镜诞生了。 b7.,WM4!5lT8+6I
1937年 B9+,pz8?9oC5.1Y
GIA 为第一台宝石显微镜申请了专利。宝石学家能够检查宝石的内部。 J21wE7:9Cc8-2w
1940年 b7-6ih5-1ty6:4y
Richard T. Liddicoat 加入 GIA。因对宝石、珠宝的贡献而被称为“现代宝石学之父”。 w8?1MS4.7Vx,?,r
播放视频 h6=,dI7=5Ts1~2q
1947年 J3~8mU7.6pK,=4b
G. Robert Crowningshield 加入 GIA。不久后被任命为纽约 GIA 宝石贸易实验室副总裁。 o3!1Kj,~5WK4=2Z
Timeline Event Image 1947 216x142 g7~6Df1-8eS4;9m
1947年 B3?,pM4.6Zq1.6Z
Liddicoat 的《宝石鉴定手册》第一版出版;后续有11个版本。 w,:5CK4=4wC7+8y
About_Landing_History-1947-216x142 J7+4mt2;6lY,-5Q
1948年 Q9+8Vj81bG5~,Q
颁发第一个宝石学研究生文凭。 Z1~3If3?2zQ9+2m
1949年 V95Jy,?6Nb18f
GIA NY 鉴定所提供珍珠鉴定服务。 e7-5ha18bz,;,M
1949 Pearl GIA d8?,ti3=7Bd2?3A
1953年 v,:5yp2-6yL7;3O
Liddicoat 的国际钻石分级系统基于 Shipley 的 4C,成为通用标准。 e6?,EW,=9gO7-,q
Timeline Event 1953 Diamond Grading System 216x142 w3=3DX6+8qp9+7P
1953年 i6?8ba5+5kc,?7g
GIA 发布第一份钻石分级报告;他们成为国际珠宝行业的标杆。 x7?2aM6~1Bt22f
1956年 U4-4tk7;1lF2;5i
Crowningshield accomplishes groundbreaking work in the detection of gem treatments through the use of the spectroscope. s2:5Vv1.1YX4:7F
Play Video Z4.6nX8~,ER3;3C
1960 z1;5Uw3~3yO6;1N
The GIA Diamond Dictionary - which quickly becomes the international industry reference – is published. u4;6bf95ty6~6z
Timeline Event 1960 Diamond Dictionary 216x142 u6=3OK87qc8,I
1965 O5~9yq38Vj1.8k
GIA courses accredited by National Home Study Council (now the Distance Education Training Council). S,!2O059Wy5-8K
Timeline Event 1965 Home Study 216x142 I9.9mn9~6KI1!4T
1971 O7+5EN6+9ex3-1I
GIA courses translated and taught in Japan r3!6Fe8!7BM6:9H
Timeline Event 1971 Japan 216x142 k9.4YG5!,00,4L
1973 x3!9To4=2GY,4w
On-campus classes accredited by National Association of Trade and Technical Schools. j3.9av8=2dI1~1p
Timeline Event 1973 Image on-campus 216x142 g9?2Fq8!7Ch2;3Y
1982 v3;5uV2~4uB3-1Z
Gems & Gemology is redesigned, printed in full color, and goes on to win 15 awards for excellence during the next 20 years E3~1iR3?6PA7~2R
1982 u19OG7!5dB9!7K
GIA Celebrates its 50th Anniversary with the first International Gemological Symposium x6~,gE5~1oZ9~7I
Timeline Image 1982 Symposium a,.1lY6,Fn8.6A
1982 r1?1sU3+2vD4;5N
The GIA Alumni Association is established. i2?8gZ4?2kl6:,l
Timeline Event 1982 216x142 Alumni Association D8;8yU9=,rt2-9a
1987 F1?,Sq7=,mN4:9k
Liddicoat Gemological Library and Information Center acquires world’s largest collection of gemological books. 08-5gB,?9RL2=6D
Timeline Event 1987 Library 216x142 N1~7Ye1.9tf5+2P
1988 Y5!5DI,!3eF9?8v
GIA grades the famous 45.52-carat Hope Diamond. B3~7rk9:5Of4:8w
1989 D9+5Jp,2fs,.8e
GIA opens school in Korea; others follow in Europe, Asia and India. O9?6vl,+3gn8:1S
Timeline Event 1989 216x142 Q7!1jy3.1RH3:3x
1991 q5-4kx1!1Al7:8I
GIA hosts first annual Career Fair - the industry’s preeminent recruiting event. x8+,yx4=3Tg1~4W
Timeline Event 1991 216x142 Career Fair t,!,Bl8~5NU4?2Y
1996 s6!,PH4.3CY2-7y
Gems & Gemology publishes groundbreaking article on identifying synthetic diamonds. a5=9fC5;1qh9.1Q
Timeline Event 1996 216x142 G&G g8+60o3+7Hc7:2z
1997 g3.,VA7;7gg,-4l
GIA opens Robert Mouawad Campus as its global headquarters in Carlsbad, CA. v4:3JJ17zx1-,I
Carlsbad Campus Thumb for Timeline 027rs7-6yw1~1j
1999 C,1cm5!5JO2;8y
Robert M. Shipley (1887-1978) named Person of the Century by JCK magazine. J3+1Rv3+1mr7=8E
1999 B5.3sx9+,nb2!,N
GIA, De Beers researchers identify criteria for High Pressure/High Temperature processed diamonds. R6-1DN6-3pS1~3w
1999 High Pressured Diamond Timeline r5?8ut77rO1:1K
2003 u1!1gx,;7Pb1.5n
GIA identifies beryllium-diffused sapphires and rubies and chemical vapor deposition (CVD) synthetic diamonds. H1;9yj7.6Dn3=6E
2005 H79ow1-9TP9=6Z
GIA introduces a cut grade for round brilliant diamonds in the D-to-Z color range. d4~7Uc6+2bU3~7F
Timeline Event 2005 216x142 07:8TR72dQ9?2q
2007 w9.6hx3.1zY5:6E
GIA introduces Synthetic Diamond Grading Report. b7:6Ck2;5EG1!4d
Timeline Event 2007 216x142 Synthetic Report c3:1tl9.3Af4;6e
2007 k7-8sY7:1wE,-6R
GIA creates 4Cs and International Diamond Grading System™ materials for consumers. E2;4h08;2hu94x
2008 P95OH7-,aM7-90
GIA opens laboratories in Mumbai, Johannesburg and Gaborone. X2~7tj1;4Pa1:2s
Timeline Event 2008 216x142 Locations P2-9ZT6!8Qz7-,m
2009 Q1?6qD3-6un5~7F
GIA offers gemology courses entirely online. Q5~8cu3=3Gd,;1p
Timeline Event 2009 216x142 Online Courses x,.6hN7.1iz5!2O
2011 g83zX5!5dL17t
GIA offers interactive 4Cs app for consumers. B4?7me6-4Uh1?,w
Timeline Event 2011 216x142 iPad U,.3sO3:4Na3!3E
2012 x9?4wv1=1TB1=4B
GIA opens laboratories in Tokyo and Ramat Gan, Israel. I1:8qZ2-7Bd2;5a
Timeline Event 2012 Hero 03-7QP5.2xV9+6w
2014 X4.6aB3=4YO7!7D
Susan Jacques becomes GIA’s sixth President and CEO e6=1uB4;2ps9+3B
2014 X5=2pQ3~2hK9?3P
GIA develops DiamondCheck to differentiate natural from treated and synthetic diamonds. d,6aM8-,Id,-2m
Diamond Check N1~8fQ5-,Ro2-3j
2014 T4+3xF5?2pV8=3V
GIA Inaugurates New York Laboratory and Education facility. b2:6oB8:,pk1,o
IGT Hero for Timeline n7=9xh9!4tm,!4r
2017 m2=5rU5+2Ss11h
The GIA iD100® gem testing device is developed to distinguish natural from laboratory-grown diamonds. 043sV5~1aG,;5n
GIA iD100 p8+90C4~7jo3+6d
2018 e8!4HR1;2Qx1~5u
GIA collaborates with Chow Tai Fook to use Blockchain technology to deliver secure, digital diamond grading reports. L9.7wV6-8zh9;2a
Blockchain Logo F7:2BL3~3cx1!7M
2018 H9;1Li2:5Nq3=7n
GIA opens laboratories in Surat and Antwerp and a school in Surat. 05=5lS6?7hi6+7I
苏拉特和安特卫普 g2=8BD4.70J,.5T
2019 o6;2UG1;8Ww9?9R
GIA 钻石原产地证书可确认钻石的地理来源。 L7.7KL1+,xo4!2s
4C 的创造者
1940 年代,GIA 建立了“4C”和国际钻石分级系统™——时至今日,它仍是评估钻石质量的全球标准。 M9+6sO2;20N2+,i
· 切 N,;4sV9;2Qw1?3d
钻石切割 S7.8HB7!2mN,+3O
钻石的闪耀和光彩更多地取决于它的切工而不是其他任何东西。 S7~8so6!2Ee6-5i
· 清晰度 R2~9vC2~5MJ5+90
钻石净度 S2-8fd3;5uz2;7O
没有内含物和瑕疵使钻石稀有并影响价值。 T6!6qn2-1Xq7.9q
· 颜色 X33nT3;9uv4!1L
钻石颜色 A8:6lZ5;4Ve2~2z
D 到 Z 颜色范围内的钻石的价值取决于它们接近无色的程度——颜色越少,它们的价值就越高。 M2~9fq2=8jZ58D
· 克拉重量 n32xY1!2Rl5!4Y
钻石克拉重量 K8?1ac5=3Kb9?5I
钻石和宝石的重量以公制克拉为单位:1 克拉等于 0.2 克,大约相当于一个回形针的重量。 G3,qg,=2Kj2=6h
Mailing Address g4;9pE6.4Id4:2H
GIA World Headquarters K3~7Xz5+3Ax7:30
The Robert Mouawad Campus I4+5jq4~6AJ5;7K
5345 Armada Drive T9.7Tj5!7KQ9-2n
Carlsbad, CA 92008 H7-6YG6?3lr7~8M