福州中加学校是经福州市教育局批准,作为福建省“海交会”重点签约项目引入的一所全系列双语学校。学校设有小学、初中以及高中。学校占地面积达200亩,总建筑面积近10万平方米,提供完备的学习和生活设施,智能教学楼、中外图书馆、实验楼、室内恒温泳池、大型文体中心、室内体育馆、击剑馆、田径运动场、足球场、曲棍球场、室内高尔夫球场、中西餐厅等一应俱全,此外公寓式宿舍楼配备了冷暖空调、24小时热水等,保障了在校学生的快乐学习与健康成长。 m1;6mG5?6yl3-,c
福州中加学校怀着推进教育全球化的强烈责任,在办一所鲜活的学校,让教育彰显生命的光彩,努力营造教育的生态环境,为每一个孩子提供个性化的成长舞台,为努力学习者提供最为广阔的发展空间。在教育的生态环境里,我们尊重孩子的差异,我们认同孩子的兴趣,我们欣赏孩子的个性,我们启发孩子去探究,我们鼓励孩子去创造。 Z7~1JG3=9LZ,=4v
校训 School Motto
“明德笃志”出自于《四书》、《五经》中的《大学》,“大学之道在明明德,在亲民,在止于至善”。“德”是人生观、世界观、政治观及思想体系的综合。“明德”则是正确的人生观、世界观、政治主张及思想体系的显示,并达到至善。“笃志”是用淳厚专一、全力以赴的态度去追求崇高的志向。概括地说就是要求我们每一个中加学生明辨是非、明白事理,明确对社会、国家、人民应尽的义务与责任。要成为跨世纪的新型人才,必须树立远大的志向和目标,要具有坚韧不拔的毅力和勇气,为实现个人理想和国家的繁荣富强奋斗不息。 P8-8WW7!5pt6~2X
The school motto "Wisdom, Virtue, Perseverance and Aspiration" originates from The Great Learning listed in The Four Books and The Five Classics, which says“ Great learning lies in clearly understanding wisdom and virtue, keeping close to the people, and pursuing perfection.”Virtue here covers world view, political view, and ideology. Wisdom and virtue are represented in acquiring and seeking their perfection in world view.“Perseverance and aspiration”means to pursue grandeur with undivided attention and dedication. To sum up, the school regulation demands that everyone in BCCSC make a clear distinction between right and wrong, acquire knowledge and make clear their obligation and responsibility to society, the nation, and its people. This, becomes the new-model for the 21st century, we must set up long-ranged aspirations and goals and strive for the prosperity and success of the nation with unceasing perseverance and courage. M12Im6+8Bx3+6l
校徽 College Badge
校徽以杏黄色方形为衬底,中间以枫叶和长城拼合成的图案构成,象征着中加文化的交融。图案部分为大红色,下面CCSC是中加学校的英文缩写。校徽包括3个U,代表着中外联合的教育模式。 A4:,Ay6!5xl3=1V
The college badge takes the yellow rectangle as the background.The red Maple Leaf and the Great Wall in the middle of the badgerepresents the blending of Chinese and Canadian cultures. CCSC is the abbreviation of the Concord College of Sino-Canada. The badge consists of 3Us, which stand for Chinese Education. K,~6mi2!7ll,-2O
校旗 College Flag
校旗呈长方形,中间一段是杏黄色,上下两段为深海蓝色。校旗正中间是中加学校校徽。 Q32Ra4?5Rx2;7t
The college flag is rectargular in shape.The middle part is yellow and the others are dark blue. The college badge is placed at the centre of the flag. c9:4GP7=,nS9=,y