百年老校展新姿 素质教育争模范 j7.8KS3;,UL2+3k
——苏州市吴中区东山实验小学简介 M1-2Nu4.,VG3-8c
Historical School Newly Displayed, Model in Education for All-around Development c6!1Zw6~2MF1,O
-- Introduction of Wuzhong District Dongshan Experimental Primary School n3.9VV7~2qj9;9L
【历史沿革】苏州东山,千年古镇,锦绣江南。这里有旖旎秀丽的自然风光,深厚绵长的历史文化。就在这积淀着丰厚人文底蕴的地方,孕育了一所教韵流芳的江南名校——东山实验小学。东山实验小学始建于公元1818年(清嘉庆二十三年),初名“仰云书屋”,后更名“五湖书院、养正学堂、东山乡立两等小学、东一中心小学、东山中心小学、江苏省吴县东山实验小学”等。近二百年来,伴随着历史的风雨和时代的步伐,尽管历经沧桑,但学校走过了积淀、传承与超越的曲折历程。历代东山实小人以自己的热情、汗水、憧憬和智慧,成就了今日太湖之滨一颗耀眼的教育明珠。上个世纪解放前至八十年代,学校培养了无数莘莘学子,不仅遍布苏州,而且走向了全国,还走向了世界。在我国乃至世界的政治、经济、文化、科技、教育、军事、外交、法律等领域,学子们刻苦学习和努力成长的事迹为人传诵,如郑斯林、朱森林、叶绪华、叶绪泰、苏惠渔等,使东山成为名副其实的“名人之乡”、“教授之镇”。 x8+1TE,=,Hc3.3J
[History] Suzhou Dongshan is a millennium-old town, situated in the south of the Yangtze River, possessing beautiful landscape and centuries-old history. This place of humanistic connotations breeds a famous school known for its education quality - Dongshan Experimental Primary School. The school dates back to 1818 when it was first established as “Yangyun Academy”, later renamed as “Wuhu Academy”, “Yangzheng School”, “Dongshan Tier Two County-run Primary School”, “Dongyi Central Primary School”, “Dongshan Central Primary School”, “Wuxian Dongshan Experimental Primary School”, etc. In the past two centuries, the school has come through all the vicissitudes in changing times, while inherited and improved. Generations of people devoted their passion, diligence and wisdom, making the school an education star of the region today. Since pre liberation time till 1980s, the school trained numerous students for Suzhou, the country and even the world. Successful stories of students have been told in the country’s and world’s arena of politics, economy, culture, technology, education, military, foreign affairs and law. Examples are Zheng Silin, Zhu Senlin, Ye Xuhua, Ye Xutai and Su Huiyu. They made Dongshan a real “County of Celebrities” and “Town of Professors”. j1;3QA4;7Vc4.1i
【基本概况】学校坐落于东山镇南新镇区,占地面积为90亩(小学65亩、幼儿园25亩),校舍建筑面积35200㎡(小学24300㎡、幼儿园10900㎡),教育设施设备现代先进,达省级一流标准。学校于古韵与现代相结合,充分体现百年老校和千年古镇的历史与文化底蕴,为吴中教育发展加注新的活力。学校现有专任教师104人,具有中高级职称的教师占75.6%,本科及以上学历达78.8%;区级骨干教师以上44人,其中省特级(市名教师)1名、市级学科带头人4名和区级学科带头人25名。学校坚持“传承百年教育之精华,攀升名校教育之新高”的办学理念,发扬“传承、拼搏、开拓、创先”的东小精神,走出了一条“铸师魂、练内功、压担子、送温暖”为主的成功育师之路,培养了高本大、张洪鸣、吴金根、叶惠民等四位特级教师及一大批名师。同时,学校走出了一条育人之路,充分利用千年古镇丰富的历史人文资源,开发了“古镇名人、东山胜景、太湖特产、洞庭珍果”等校本课程,着力打造以“山水文化”为内涵的综合实践活动体系,曾两次成功承办全国、省课程研讨活动。学校曾获“江苏省模范小学”、“江苏省文明单位”、“全国职工自学读书活动先进集体”、“全国红旗大队”等荣誉一百余项。近年来,学校再攀教育教学之新高,被誉为“苏派名校”、“江苏省小学数学教材实验基地”等,目前学校在江苏省数学特级教师、苏州市名校长吴金根校长的领衔下,正拥抱着梦想,以“缤纷开万树,梦想适心来”为办学理念,以“云间紫燕排去上,不信春光唤不来”为办学精神,以“坚持以人为本,开展适心教育,实现美德长才,成就苏式名校”为办学目标,以“养正(养德长才,道成德立)”为校训,“务本养正气”为校风,“深研出我新”为教风,“好学贵切问”为学风,带领学生“先学、研学、拓学”三学联动,走向更加美好的教育未来。 z45kB3+3JH4-9n
[Basic Information] The school, located at Xinzhen Area in the south of Dongshan Town, covers an area of 90 mu (65 mu for primary school, 25 mu for kindergarten) and has a total building area of 35,200 m2 (24,300 m2 for primary school, 10,900 m2 for kindergarten), all equipped with advanced education facilities, reaching the provincial first-class standard. By combining traditional and modern elements, the school fully reflects historical and cultural connotations of the century-old school and the millennium-old town, and injects new vitality to education in Wuzhong District. The school now has 104 full-time teachers, of which, 75.6% hold an intermediate or senior title, and 78.8% have obtained a bachelor’s degree or above; 44 backbone teachers at the district level or above, including 1 provincial special-grade teacher (municipal famous teacher), 4 municipal academic leaders and 25 district-level academic leaders. Adhering firmly to the concept of “inheriting essence of century education and reaching a new high in education among famous schools”, and carrying forward the spirit of “Tradition, Efforts, Explore and Excel”, the school has successfully trained four special-grade teachers, including Gao Benda, Zhang Hongming, Wu Jin’gen and Ye Huimin, as well as a large number of famous teachers. In the meantime, thanks to the great cultural tradition in Dongshan, the school has been fruitful in developing both young talents and academic activities. For example, some teaching materials and extra-curriculum events were developed featuring the rich history and beautiful landscape of Dongshan. For another example, the school has twice successfully hosted national and provincial seminars on schooling, not to mention that it has won more than one hundred national and provincial awards for its teaching quality and rich extra-curriculum activities, including “Model Primary School in Jiangsu”, “Civilized Unit in Jiangsu”, “National Advanced Group in Employee Self-study Reading Activities”, “National Red Flag Brigade”, etc. In recent years, the school has further reached a new high in education by earning such titles as “Famous School in Suzhou” and “Experimental Base of Math Textbooks for Primary Schools in Jiangsu”. At present, under the leadership of Wu Jin’gen, a special-grade math teacher in Jiangsu and a renowned principal in Suzhou, the school is moving towards a better future of education by embracing dreams, following the concept “train students to find their dreams”, the spirit of running school “beautiful spring scenery will come when purple swallows are rowing up in the cloud”, the purpose of running school “build a renowned school in Suzhou by adhering to the people-oriented philosophy and carrying out adaptive education to cultivate talents of good ethics and morality”, the school motto “integrity (good ethics & morality)”, the school spirit “pragmatic & upright”, the teaching style “deep research for innovation”, and the learning style “learn by asking questions”, and leading students to realize linkage of “study, research and exploration”. t8;3kN6~8dL4.,R
地址:江苏省苏州市吴中区东山镇石鹤山路16号 p,+5tH9-9uB1~2x