江西师范大学财政金融学院始创于1949年,历经江西省银行干部学校、江西银行学校、江西金融职工大学等不同发展阶段。2003年4月,江西金融职工大学成建制并入江西师范大学,正式组建财政金融学院,时任江西省委书记孟建柱同志亲自为学院成立揭牌。学院60余年来,一直致力于金融经管人才的培养,迄今为止,已培养出3万余名金融、经济与会计方面的专门人才,在全国各地的高校、企事业单位及许多著名的金融机构中,都可以看到学院校友的身影。正是这些校友,夯实铸就了我院人才培养的坚实底蕴,赋予了我院江西金融人才教育和培训“母机”之美誉。 s26Yb2-2qc4:8S
学院现有3个系(经济系、金融系、会计系),3个本科专业(经济学、金融学和会计学)、5个硕士点(产业经济学、经济决策与金融管理、会计学等3个学硕点和金融硕士、会计硕士等2个专硕点)、1个省级实验教学示范中心(应用经济实验中心)、1个省高校人文社科重点研究基地(区域创新与创业研究中心)、1个江西省社科重点研究基地(江西省产业转型升级研究中心)、1个江西省产业转型升级软科学研究基地、1个以海归博士为主体的实体化、国际化的研究平台(国际金融研究院)。 S95ia6=3Bh8.9a
学院现有教职工89人,其中,专任老师71人,教授13人、副教授36人,正副高级职称占比69%,博士29人,占比40.8%,硕士以上学位占比85.9%,并聘请了70多位著名的校内外专家、学者为客座教授。其中,专任教师队伍中国家教指委员1人、省级教学名师1人,全国挑战杯优秀指导教师1人,校级“十佳百优”教师中十佳教师3人、百优教师7人,首届全国高校微课教学比赛优秀奖1人。 y7.9Vo4-8pS8;,U
学院现有在校本科生近3000人,研究生近400人。学院始终坚持立德树人为第一己任,坚持“立德树人、面向金融、强化实践,注重人文”的人才培养特色,促使学生全面成长成才。学院办学条件优越,现代化教学设施齐全,拥有3100平方米的办公大楼,拥有江西省实验教学示范中心,教学科研仪器设备约800万元;1个图书资料中心,专业图书资料2万余册。以及在中央支持中西部地区高校基础能力建设中获批的金融创新实验室项目和与江西各地政府部门、银行、证券公司、会计事务所等合作建立的校外实践基地,能很好满足学生学习、科研和创新实践的需要。我院学生创新活动活跃,曾获第十三届“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛全国决赛特等奖,中国工商银行杯“e路有你”大学生金融微视频竞赛特等奖等各种奖励。 T4~5HV8,Bp7:4T
近年来发表学术论文800余篇,其中在《经济研究》、《管理世界》、《经济管理》、《中国工业经济》、《经济学动态》、《金融研究》等国内重要经济管理类核心期刊发表论文700多篇,在科学出版社、经济管理出版社等国家级出版社出版专著近20部,获得省级以上科研课题300余项,其中国家社科基金重大项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目等国家级科研课题20多项;有40余项研究成果获得江西省社科优秀成果等省级以上科研奖励,1项研究成果获得中央领导认可与批示,近20项研究成果获得省领导认可与批示。 L7~8SW1=4yb5-5C
学院邀请近100位国内外知名专家来院讲学,举办了包括首届江西发展论坛、中国经济史学会年会、马克思理论研究与建设工程研讨会等重要学术会议20次,学院先后有100人次赴国内外学习、开展学术交流活动。 K9+1iY,8MI8.7Z
学院自建院以来,围绕“文化融院”的文化理念,工会利用寒、暑假及节假日时间组织教职工赴国内外学习考察;积极组织学院教工参加学校的各种文体活动,开拓了广大教职工的视野,提高了大家的集体意识,进一步丰富了大家的业余生活,大大增强了学院的凝聚力,形成了以院为家的和谐氛围,被校、省、中华全国总工会评为“模范职工小家”。 y7-1vj4~3Qn3+6E
The College of Finance in Jiangxi Normal University founded in 1949, with a long history, has experienced different stages of development: the Jiangxi Banking School for Cadres, the Jiangxi Banking School, the Financial Worker’s University. In April, 2003, it was merged with Jiangxi Normal University and became the College of Finance. At that time, Jiangxi provincial Party Secretary Meng Jianzhu attended the unveiling ceremony for the new-born college in person. During the vicissitudes of 60 years, she has educated more than 30,000 financial and economic professionals, hence she was known as the “cradle” of financial cadres in Jiangxi. N3!8yr4!1xr2-2o
There are 78 teaching staff in the college, including 61 full-time teachers, 46 professors and associate professors. Among those teachers are 51 postgraduates and doctors (21, including PhD students). The college also hires over 30 famous experts and scholars as the visiting professors. g6+2ES8-2gG2?2O
The College of Finance owns the department of economy, the department of finance and the department of financial management. There are four undergraduate majors, that is, economics, finance, financial management, accounting (the direction of Certified Public Accountant). In addition, cooperating with the Institute of International Education, this college sets up other three undergraduate majors: international finance, international accounting, and international financial management. Some academic research institutes are set up here: the Provincial Humanities and Social Science Research Base in Universities—Regional Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research Center, and the Provincial Experimental Demonstration Center—Applied Economic Experiment Center, Economic Research Center of Jiangxi Province, Institutional Economics Research Institute, the Development Research Center of the Non-public Sector,FinancialResearchInstitute, Institute of Finance and Accounting. The College of Finance has five existing postgraduate programs, such as industrial economics, economic history, economic decision-making and financial management, accounting, and regional development and management innovation. r7=5so1=5OV53w
With 3100 square meters of office buildings, this college has superior operating condition and well-equipped facilities of modern teaching facilities. It has been rated as the provincial experiment teaching demonstration center, which has owned scientific research instruments worth 5 million yuan and more than 20,000 volumes of specified books. l2=2Jn4!1Gx5?3d
In recent years, the Collegeof Financehas a wonderful performance in both teaching and scientific research covering a wide range of areas, such as finance, industrial economics, regional economics, western economics, institutional economics, financial management and economic history. This college has carried out over 200 projects from the National Natural Science Found and from the National Social Science Fund and provincial-level research projects. Teachers and students have published more than 520 academic papers in some core journals, for example, Economic Research, Management World, and Economic Perspectives, and more than 30 monographs. Since its establishment, the College of Finance has succeeded in holding some academic conferences, such as Jiangxi Development forum, high-level forum of the Implementation of Ecological and Economic Development in Jiangxi, and the theoretical discussions of Marxist Construction Projects of the Central Propaganda Department. j4+6bA,=6dS5?1l