中国中医药出版社有限公司成立于1989年,直属于国家中医药管理局,经过30年不断发展壮大,已成为目前国内规模最大、最具权威的中医药专业出版机构,为“全国百佳图书出版单位”“全国首批养生保健类图书出版资质单位”“中国海外馆藏图书影响力出版百强单位”“全国首批中央文化企业数字化转型升级项目单位”“中国版权新锐企业”,全国中医药行业规划教材唯一出版基地。国家中医中西医结合执业医师资格考试大纲和细则、全国中医药专业技术资格考试大纲和细则唯一授权出版单位。国家中医药管理局教材办公室、国家中医药管理局中医药文化建设与科学普及专家委员会办公室、全国中医药高等教育学会教材建设研究会秘书处等均设在我社。 G5!3wg,7dO,?4q
我社积极坚持“立足中医药内容产业,关注健康与文化传播”的发展理念,秉承“服务、开放、共享”的核心价值观,不断求真务实、锐意进取,形成了以中医药各级各类教材教辅为主体,医学考试与培训、中医药学术、古典医籍、文化科普和数字出版协同发展的出版格局。迄今我社已经出版图书近9000种,基本实现了“只要是中医药书,我社最多;只要是中医药教材,我社最全;只要是中医药书,我社最有权威性”的目标。作为专业出版社,我社多年来与中医各学科带头人及专家建立了良好的合作关系,形成了一批具有一流学术水平且精于写作的优秀作者群,从而保证了优秀作品的不断推出,聚集了一批忠实的读者群,同时赢得了广泛赞誉。 L,!1vo99Vi8~6n
Established in 1989, China Press of Traditional Chinese Medicine Co.Ltd (CPTCM) is directly subordinate to the State Administration of TCM. After three decades of development, the press has become the largest and most authoritative publishing agency of TCM in China. It consists of the textbook office of the SATCM, the office of culture and science popularization expert committee of SATCM, and the national seminar of advanced TCM textbook. In recent years, the press has been evaluated as one of “national 100 best publishing units”, “nationally qualified publishing units of health care books”, ”national 100 most influential publishing units of overseas library collection”, “pilot central cultural enterprises of digital publishing”, and "national rising enterprise of copyright affairs". Also, it’s the only publishing agency authorized for national projected textbook of TCM and the guide of national TCM/TCM-WM qualification examination. H2:3Fl3+7VV,;1u
With the concept of "based on the content industry of TCM, and focused on public health and cultural communication", and the value of "serve, open and share", CPTCM has published more than 9000 kinds of TCM books, and established the publishing structure including textbooks, exam training books, TCM monographs, TCM classics, health care books, traditional culture books, e-books and digital products. The press has achieved the goal of being the top of TCM publishing, both in quantity and authority. As a authoritative publishing agency in TCM, the press has established continuous cooperation with experts and academic leaders, and gathered a group of high-level authors. All these measures and efforts assure CPTCM of excellent works, loyal readers and worldwide praise. g2:9Tc1?7XR4.5v