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锁定 排行
东南大学是中央直管、教育部直属的全国重点大学,是“ 985 工程”和“ 211 工程”重点建设的大学之一,是国务院首批可授予博士、硕士、学士学位 和审定教授、副教授任职资格及自批增列博士生导师的高校。
2015-10-14 11:15
2020-12-17 16:49



东南大学是中央直管、教育部直属的全国重点大学,是“ 985 工程”和“ 211 工程”重点建设的大学之一,是国务院首批可授予博士、硕士、学士学位 和审定教授、副教授任职资格及自批增列博士生导师的高校。 s,?20o3~1fd,=9l

东南大学软件学院创建于二〇〇一年十二月,是国家教育部和原国家发展计划委员会首批批准成立的 35 所“国家示范性软件学院”之一。学院从二〇〇二年春季和秋季先后开始招收软件工程专业本科生和研究生。二〇〇七年十一月,东南大学与苏州市政府签署了协议,在苏州独墅湖高等教育区合作共建东南大学软件学院(苏州),学院全日制研究生的培养工作全部在东南大学软件学院(苏州)进行,位于苏州工业园区独墅湖高等教育区东南大学苏州研究院。 a9:3Jx1;8XF87e

学院秉承东南大学“止于至善”的校训,坚持质量至上原则,遵循高等工程教育的内在规律,借鉴国际先进经验,建构以“基础教学提升思维水平、专业教学提升科研素养、实验教学提升应用能力、实训教学提升系统观念、外语教学提升沟通手段”为核心的高层次软件工程技术和工程管理人才培养体系,努力培养学生具有严谨的专业态度、厚实的基础知识、持久的学习能力、出色的合作精神、清晰的系统思维、丰富的技术手段、良好的管理水平、敏捷的应变能力和与时俱进的创新精神,使我们的毕业生能够体现出鲜明的特点与强劲的实力。 M7?4sk5+7LR7.3y

学院积极进行教学改革并完善课程体系,建立优质的培养平台、营造丰富的多元文化、创新运作和管理模式,探索应用型软件人才培养的新途径,以打造我院学生的持久竞争力。学院 根据软件工程专业的特点, 参照国际上 IEEE/ACM CC2001 、 SWEBOK 、 SE2004 和我国 CCSE2004 课程体系及课程建设标准,吸收国内外大学以及校内优秀课程体系的经验并依托我校在工程领域方面的优势,制定了既能体现软件新技术发展又能适应企业要求、 “理论教学、动手能力培养和工程项目实践相结合”的 课程体系。学院围绕“基础、实力、系统、管理”这四个中心点设计了本科生和研究生的培养方案。课程设置根据专业的最新发展并面向市场需求,按照专业理论基础、专业技术训练、专业实践能力等多方面的培养来进行教学安排,在强调基础、系统的同时注意跟踪软件新技术,项目实训贯穿在整个教学活动之中。整个课程体系具有方向明确、层次分明、领域渗透、模块组合的特点。 j7+6dv2.8St3-9z

学院与 Microsoft 、 IBM 、 Ericsson 、 HP 、 Cisco 、 Oracle 、 Intel 、 Motorola 、 Trend Micro 、联想、中兴通信、华为、花旗软件等 40 余家国内外著名软件企业以及印度 Infosys 公司开展了多方面的合作,建立了在企业的学生实习 / 实践基地和在校内的联合实验室,上述企业在此方面给予了全方位的支持。 Microsoft 、 IBM 、 Ericsson 、 Oracle 、 Cisco 等著名软件企业还参与了我院的本科生 / 研究生的培养工作。企业教师主持的课程,打破了传统的学究型的教学模式,与实际应用紧密相联,对学生提高自身的实践动手能力起到了很好的推进作用。而我院学生通过参与企业的实际项目,获得了对软件工程的深层次理解。 r3;9OR34hL1:1X

国际合作方面, 学院努力寻求同海内外政府、企业、教育及研究机构的合作,汲取优秀的办学经验,引入先进的运行机制和办学模式,聘请知名专家学者共同参与学院的建设、管理和教学实践,逐步确立学院在软件工程教育领域的地位和声誉。 学院聘请美国普渡大学、密苏里大学、巴克奈尔大学、爱尔兰阿斯隆理工学院、台湾交通大学等校的教授及英国、日本、印度软件企业的资深工程师担任本科生 / 研究生课程的授课教师,讲授多门课程(含实践),同时开设软件相关领域的最新发展和前沿技术讲座,使学生们能够在拓展自身视野、提升个人技术实力的同时领略先进国家和地区的教学模式。学院与爱尔兰阿斯隆理工学院、爱尔兰考德大学、美国普渡大学 Calumet 工程学院、日本早稻田大学、澳大利亚昆士兰大学、比利时 GROUP-T 大学,加拿大等签署了合作协议,在软件工程本科生 / 研究生培养及教师互派等方面全面开展合作,每年均有一批学生去上述大学进行研究和实习;其中,与爱尔兰阿斯隆理工学院的合作得到了爱尔兰政府的表彰。 在教育部组织的专家组对国家示范性软件学院进行验收时,专家们对我院的校企合作和国际合作方面的工作给予了很高的评价。 Q9.6ZB,.,ji1:4F

学院积极组织同学参加各类学科竞赛,培养学生的综合素质。学院制定了一系列的措施,鼓励和支持同学们积极参加与专业有关的各类学科竞赛,并在指导教师、实验环境、图书资料、生活条件等方面给予支持,使同学们在参赛中培养能力、取得经验、树立信心,同时营造一个积极向上的学习、研究氛围。同学们参赛意识非常强烈,踊跃参加了各类竞赛,取得了“挑战杯大学生创业大赛”全国金奖和江苏省特等奖、首届“全国大学生软件创新大赛”总决赛冠军、“大中华地区高校资讯科技网上大赛”团体亚军(大陆地区最好成绩)、“全国大学生数模竞赛”一等奖、“ ACM 程序设计大赛”银奖、“微软嵌入式 WinCE 大赛”优胜奖、“江苏省高校大学生物理及实验科技作品创新竞赛”金奖等奖项,在“中国足球机器人大赛”、“ IBM 项目设计大赛”、“趋势科技百万程序竞赛”、“花旗杯软件大赛”等许多赛事中也取得了好成绩。 J6=2BR8=7Fy2:7c

学院组织学生成立多个兴趣小组,引导学生开展各种课外科技活动,在学生层面的交流培训已经常规化、条理化。各类兴趣小组定期举办不同难度级别的培训讲座,充分发挥动手能力强的高年级同学的模范带头作用,促进对技术的执着追求,形成互相学习、分享学习经验的良好氛围。同学们充分利用课余时间,积极参加包括 SRTP 在内的各项科技活动,六年来共有 30 多人次获得省级以上的奖励或表彰。学院还开展形式多样的软件文化活动,每年组织一次“东南大学软件文化节”,请企业进校做讲座并与学院探讨如何通过活动培养同学的技术能力、团队合作意识,让同学们感受企业文化,了解企业的用人需求;开展了 Flash 大赛、 J2ME 手机应用程序大赛、算法积分赛等赛事,使该项活动成为全校软件与计算机爱好者交流的平台和共同学习进步的摇篮。这些活动一方面锻炼了同学们在专业方面的技能,一方面也培养了学生服务社会的意识,提高了同学们的综合素质。 j3=6q09+5EM2.9t

综上,我院在软件工程人才培养方面取得了很好的成绩。 2007 年,我院被江苏省教育厅、江苏省学位委员会授予“软件工程研究生联合培养示范基地”称号;“软件工程”和“网络工程”两个本科专业方向被教育部批准为特色专业建设点;“数据结构”和“双语物理导论”课程入选教育部“百门双语教学示范课程”; 2009年被教育部批准为人才培养模式创新实验区--『工程应用型软件人才培养实验区』;教改项目『“基于现代工程教育理念的软件人才培养模式创新与实践”』 2009年获江苏省教学成果一等奖。 O3-3sx2:,WV6+6g

由于按照“高层次、应用型、复合型、国际化”软件人才的目标对学生进行培养,我院的毕业生普遍素质较高,具有较扎实的基础和分析设计软件系统的能力,能够熟练使用多种主流软件工具、运用先进的工程化方法和技术解决实际问题并控制软件质量,有较好的英语基础和使用英语进行交流的能力。毕业生们适应能力强、应用面广、社会需求量大,绝大多数在软件、通信、邮电、电力、航空航天、银行外贸等行业的中外资企业单位和国家机关等事业单位的技术、管理部门从事软件设计、研究、开发、应用、咨询、项目管理、质量保证、软件等方面的工作,得到了用人单位的的高度认可,毕业生供不应求。毕业生到国内外著名软件企业任职者及进入国内外著名高校深造者达到了毕业生人数的80 %以上,相当一部分毕业生在微软亚洲研究院、 IBM 、 Ericsson 、 Motorola 、 SAP 研究院、 Autodesk 、中兴通信等著名软件企业工作。 软件人才是国家的急需人才,按江苏省信息产业厅的估计,今后几年仅江苏省的软件人才需求就有 20 多万,对高级软件人才的需求更为迫切,因此,我院学生的就业将继续看好。 D7;7VF4=6Ok1;6L

1 About Southeast University u2?7lE7-5mS,9u

Southeast University (SEU) is one of the national key universities administered directly under the Ministry of Education of China . It is also one of the first universities accredited by the State Council to entitle professors, associate professors and reward up to doctorial degrees in various academic and engineering disciplines. It is also one of the universities subsumed under the “Project 211” and “985 Program” that are financed by the central government to build world-class universities. It locates in the cultural and historic Nanjing city with an area of 427 hectares. Sipailou Campus and Jiulonghu Campus are two of its major campuses. s9;10o,+3tJ1:2b

Southeast University is one of the oldest institutions of higher learning in China ever sharing the reputation of “Academia Shrine” and “Primo in Southeast”. Its origin can be traced back to 1902 when it was founded as Sanjiang Normal College . After more than one hundred years development, it has become a comprehensive university covering a broad range of disciplines in sciences, engineering, medicine, social sciences, management, arts and so forth with engineering as its focus. It has over 6,000 faculty and staff members including over 1,500 professors and associate professors, over 300 doctoral supervisors, eight members of Chinese Academy of Science and Academy of Engineering, one member of the State Council Degree Committee, nine members of the Discipline Evaluation Workgroup of the State Council Degree Committee, 21 Changjiang Scholar Professors and chair professors, 17 winners of “National Outstanding Young Scholar Award”, 14 national level specialists and scientists, five members of “863 Program” Domain and Subject Specitialists Group (which ranking the second place among all universities), one member of “973 Program” Advisory Committee, and one member of the State Informationization Advisory Committee. c2.,QP4=7qi48G

Southeast University is now comprised of more than 40 schools and departments to host 61 undergraduate programs, 206 Master programs, 109 doctoral programs, 15 postdoctoral stations, 10 national key disciplines, 16 provincial key disciplines, 3 national key laboratories, 1 national research laboratory, 2 state engineering and technology research centers, 6 key laboratories of Ministry of Education, 1 engineering research center of Ministry of Education, 4 Jiangsu provincial key laboratory, and 5 Jiangsu provincial engineering centers, etc. in the university. In recent years, the university has reinforced in constructing disciplines, in which grest progress has been achieved. In 2002-2004 National Evaluation for University's Disciplines, its 11 first level disciplines stand among top 10 national wide, especially those such as Architecture, Biomedicine and Engineering, Art Theory, Transportation and Communication Engineering, Control Science and Engineering, Information and Telecommunication Engineering stand among top 5. x22jA,!2pd6.6G

2 About the college d2=8Ng64ot3~7G

Authorized by Ministry of Education and former State Development and Planning Committee, College of Software Engineering (CoSE) as one of 35 national pilot software schools has been founded in December 2001 and started its undergraduate program and postgraduate program in the field of software engineering. Carrying the idea of “Pursuing Excellence”, CoSE insists on the concepts of reformation of education, normalization of administration, and creation and innovation in science and technology, integrates the sound resources and advantages of the university in the discipline of computer science, mathematics, telecommunications, IC design and engineering. After five years commitment, CoSE has formed the pedagogical model of combining class teaching with case study, strongthened foreign language learning through international academic exchange, increased employment through learning by doing, advanced the discipline through effective human resource management. CoSE has committed to provide quality professional education to produce high level software talents with the capability of creative and innovative, cross-discipline knowledge base, challenging international competition. d8!6Cx27Mx5~6h

Part 2 College Structure and Planning V5!7Yb5=7OS1!,S

1 College structure c5-2Oh7?8Vs5:7K

CoSE's running body and its leadership are shown as below. x5=2sW,+6Vn9-9t

To normalize management and administration so as to safeguard the heath of the teaching, reseach and advising system and quality assurance system, the university establishes the Academic Committee of Software Engineering and IC Engineering and the CoSE Teaching Direction Board who provide guidance in the college's strategic planning, curriculum design, teaching implementation planning, faculy team development. CoSE also establishes the Teaching Supervision Group to perform regular evaluation and assessment on the teaching processes and effectiveness through direct contact with the faculty members and students and provide suggestions and reports to improve the college's management. a9~1Gd67tK6.,P

2 Planning M2-7Ix3~8aV83C

In line with SEU's “the Eleventh Five Year Plan”, based on the sound foundation of the long history in running a university and the experiences learned from the recent practice of the college, CoSE will focus on building up a well-formed teaching and research manpower and well-formed disciplinary structure, upon which to advance education reformation, improve the quantation and quality, enhence the collaboration with government, industries and educational institutions so as to make best use of outside resources and speed up the process of internationalization and realize the sustainability of development. h4;2cM,+2Qm6;6Y

Part 3 Education programs and targets F96Oh,;,jZ,=3n

CoSE is aiming at providing high stardard education in the field of software engineering by following the basic rules of higher engineering education, introducing international software engineering education practice, and adapting the current requirements for professionals of the marketplace. It will reinforce international collaboration and combine teaching, research and development. w6=8BT3~5Hx1-5F

CoSE provides educational programs including I6-,CH2+1Cd,!7P

• Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Software Engineering (BSE) offered to qualified high school graduates and college graduates who are required to take three years course studies at the college and one year internship in industry for graduation desing/project. h2+6Lt6-4yV3+7S

• Master of Engineering Degree in Software Engineering (MSE) offered to qualified undergraduate grduates with first degree who are requried to take one year (for full time students) or two years (for part time students) course study at the college and one year internship in industry for graduation thesis/report. a8:9Sd9:,pH9-3b

CoSE encourages international academic exchange, collaboration with overseas institutions of higher learning and overseas enterprises. The cooperation with two Irish educational institutions and one company has been routinized as a model of “1+ 1” Master programme from which over 20 graduates have been produced among who five graduates have got employed in Ireland. d8;,bD5;2oQ7-9Y

Part 4 Implementation of Teaching s1!2Ha2?,zz74J

To timely reflect the rapid change of technology advancement, CoSE continuously updates the curricula and teaching plans for both undergraduate and postgraduate proram in terms of a) best meeting the requirements of industries and internationalization; b) forming a multi-layer, cross-discipline, diverse orientation modularized course structure to develop students' ability to learn and synthesize; c) focusing on learning by case and practice; d) broadening the knowledge base of undergraduate students and specifying the expertise of postgraduate students. T1;7Hp8~4wy73j

In the teaching processes, CoSE is paying attention to take advantage of various academic committees of their functions in quality control and advisory collection. The education programs contain specially configured technical training and off-college research projects while delivering sound theoretical courses. H6=,kp9;8VM4-9t

a) General theoretical courses r8~3ig4!1Et,+5w

The college and the Dean's Office of the university take the responsibility to arrange teachingactivities for the first year and second year undergraduate students. After the teaching plan approved by the Dean's Office, lecturers from School of Computer Science, Department of Mathematics, School of Foreign Languages, Department of Physics and other related faculties work together with CoSE's lecturers to offer courses such as mathematics, English, algorithms analysis, physics, politics, etc. Z2.8v04;4TW2-8Q

b) Disciplinary foundation courses u8=4CC6+3ch7!8e

Disciplinary foundation courses are arranged according to variouse subjects. For BSE studies, Six subjects are Software Quality Assurance, Software Design, Database Management and Design, Networks and Systems Administration, Embedded Systems, and Information Systems Technology. The subjects such as Multimedia Technology and Games & Animation are under planning. For MSE studies, three subjects include Networks Technology and Application, Embedded Systems and Software Quality Assurance. The subject “Multimedia Innovation” is under construction. These courses are carried out by CoSE's lecturers and high level professionals from industries or other educational institutions. H9;6zq3+,tJ6.9I

c) Disciplinary direction courses q3,Ak4?8oD,-1y

These practical courses are delivered by senior engineers with the assistance from the college, such as “Software Engineering Theory and Practice”, “Software Diagnosis and Testing”, “Software Quality Assurance”, etc. a7:1WI7+6iE2;8t

d) Foreign expert courses Z8~5HC,=4bN3.1M

To improving bilingual teaching, CoSE has invited over 10 professors and senior engineers from the foreign countries like Ireland , India , USA , and from our Hong Kong and Taiwan . They have offered English or bilingual courses such as “Software Design Patterns”, “Information Security”, “Distributed Systems”, “Algorithms Analysis and Design”, “Web Technologies and Applications”, and “Multimedia Technologies”, etc. u9?7ze5?2lS5=9k

The college encourages lecturers' innovation and reformation in their teaching activities. There have been one bilingual module obtained financial support from the national “Experimental Project For Higher Engineering Education Reformation”, two modules obtained financial support from Microsoft “Demonstration Course”, six modules obtained special financial support from the university. 01.4fd3?2YF7=2X

Part 5 Faculty Team Building R2;3Bx5;2WS1!6n

The college carefully studies and analyze the structure of its faculty team in relation to the specific requirements for the teaching and research in the field of software engineering. Based on the strong teaching and research resources of the university, it is putting every effort to attract talents and scholars from within China to overseas, from educational institutions to industries. A stable faculty team has been gradually built up which integrating 15 full time professors and lecturers with 58 part time scholars and senior engineers to commit to the development of CoSE. X1?4lx,:8Tz7+9A

As a polit college of the university, CoSE is also taking new measures in building management and administration team. A team of six full time staff members composes the college's administration body. z2;3pg1:9lb5!3A

Upbuilding an active, upward and realistic educaiton idea is crucial for a college to maintain its high standard and secure its sustainability. CoSE has provided greate opportunities to its family members to participate in various training programs and academic exchange activities in China and abroad. The college believes that these activities can bring in new thinkings, expose them to outside world, cultivate a common faith, and enrich the college culture. K2-1em98YI7!5r

Part 6 The Facilities v6;1ac8.,ka7:8a

Through over five years accumulation, the college is allocated by the university over 7,000 square meters teaching and research areas in Jinxianghe Campus and Jiulonghu Campus. It has equipted five servers, over 50 specific network devises, over 60 sets of systems for embedded system experiments, about 500 PCs, and over one thousand books and journals on the domain. The college possesses a “Network Technology and Application Lab”, “Embedded System Lab”, and “Software Testing Lab”. Different labs and project studios are set up under cooperative programs with companies such as Ericsson, IBM, Microsoft, etc. It also has 8 public computer labs located in two campuses opening all day long to meet students need. Some special work places are open to apply upon students' projects. b7:2oi9;6Rd7=8B

CoSE has also maintained good relationship with governmental agencies and hi-tech zones of local government through which the “Software Professional Training Base” and the “ Software Testing Technology Training Center ” have been jointly established. A student training and practice base is under negotiation with a famous IT company. M7+2IG6?9NX8.6l

Part 7 Recruitment and Occupation Tracks T,.9ZS8~7Fw7+,G

1 Recruitment plan j4~,SX9=1rz3~20

Within the framework and the strategic plan for recruiments of the university, the college currently recruits 120 BSE students, 50 MSE full time and over 100 part time students annually. The total number of students on campus is more than 660. F6~8Ov9;3HH8!7g

2 Occupation Tracks M,-,Sd1.2Md9=2X

Benefited from the right meeting of CoSE's education orietation and the requirements of industries, especially the last one year internship , about 100% graduates can get employed or pursue further studies right after their graduation from the college except those who has personal reasons. The occupation providers include not only those software companies such as Microsoft Research Asia, Microsoft ( Shanghai ), Citigroup Software ( Shanghai ), Trend Technologies ( Nanjing ), etc. but also those IT related companies like Erricsson (Ireland, Shanghai, Nanjing), Motorola Software Center, Nanjing, IBM (Ireland, Shanghai), Simens (Nanjing), ZTE (Nanjing), Lucent (Shanghai, Nanjing) etc. In these companies, the graduates are carrying out project development and research, technical support and production. Most of them have won highly appraisal from their employers and some have become senior members and make their great contributions to the development of software industry. X4,Hv4?7uS1:3h



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