西安建筑科技大学土木工程学院成立于1956年,由原东北工学院建筑系、西北工学院土木系、青岛工学院土木系和苏南工业专科学校土木系科合并组成,时为建筑工程系。1999年在原建筑工程系和总图设计与运输工程专业基础上组建了土木工程学院。 a,-7rc6~2sP7?7m
学院现设有土木工程、城市地下空间工程、交通运输和交通工程四个本科专业。土木工程专业是国家特色专业,己连续四次以优秀成绩通过国家专业评估。交通工程专业为陕西省名牌专业。2010年,土木工程专业首批入选教育部“卓越工程师教育培养计划”实施专业;2011年,交通运输专业入选教育部"卓越工程师教育培养计划" 实施专业。学院拥有土木工程一级学科博士后科研流动站,土木工程一级学科博士点和交通运输工程一级学科硕士点。 n5?2HN27TW3=,L
土木工程学科拥有结构工程、防灾减灾工程及防护工程、岩土工程、桥梁与隧道工程,自主设置了土木工程建造与管理、现代结构理论等方向学科。同时,结构工程也是国家重点学科。2013年,学院以优秀成绩完成了教育部首批“建筑与土木工程领域工程硕士专业学位研究生教育综合改革”。2017年,土木工程专业入选陕西省“一流专业”重点建设项目,城市地下空间工程、交通运输专业入选陕西省“一流专业”培育项目。 N4+,lg2:7Nf2-7i
学院现有教职工190余人,其中教授40余人,副教授60余人,博士生导师30余人。拥有教育部“长江学者和创新团队发展计划”创新团队1个,国家级教学团队1个,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者1人,国家级教学名师1人,国务院学位委员会学科评议组成员1人,教育部霍英东高等院校青年教师奖获得者2人,陕西青年科技奖获得者2人,陕西省青年科技新星8人等。 y2-4kT9+2XG3+9J
学院现有结构与抗震实验室、岩土工程实验室、道路与交通工程实验室、土木与交通工程仿真中心等4个实验室。拥有西部绿色建筑国家重点实验室(结构中心)、结构工程与抗震教育部重点实验室、结构与抗震陕西省重点实验室、土木工程国家级实验教学示范中心、土木工程国家级虚拟仿真实验教学中心、西北地区建筑与土木工程领域研究生联合培养国家级示范基地、西部装配式建筑工业化陕西省2011协同创新中心等教学科研平台。 f2.5eL3?,FM5+9B
近五年来,学院承担纵、横向科研项目1000余项,科研经费总计超2亿元。获国家科学技术奖4项,省部级科学技术奖励30余项;授权国家专利300余项,出版专著30余部,主编教材40余部,主编、参编国家规范、标准50余部;发表高水平学术论文2000余篇,其中SCI、EI收录400余篇。 m8:2bU7?1Ox6?60
近年来,学院与美国、德国、日本、韩国等多国高校保持良好的校际交流和合作。2017年,西安建筑科技大学与澳大利亚南澳大学合作设立了西安建筑科技大学南澳大学安德学院,开启了本科生教育的联合培养模式。 s,.,rJ1!6sG8+9k
学院在读本科生2100余名,硕士研究生900余名,博士研究生180余名。六十多年来,学院以独特的地理条件、行业渊源,立足西部,面向全国,培养了一大批土木工程、交通工程、交通运输方面的专门人才,为国家经济建设和社会发展做出了重大贡献。 X1.6Fp1-9Zt,-7o
The school of civil engineering has a long history standing, which was founded in 1956 with a combination of building department of formerly Northeastern Institute of Technology, civil engineering department of formerly Northwestern Institute of Technology, civil engineering department of formerly Tsingdao Institute of Technology, and civil engineering department of formerly Su'nan Industrial College. It was then department of building engineering. In 1999 the school of civil engineering was formally established on the basis of department of building engineering, and department of general planning and transportation engineering. c7+4vF4:2NW5;3B
The school now offers four undergraduate programs of civil Engineering, city underground space engineering, traffic engineering, and traffic and transportation engineering. Civil engineering program is featured at national level with consecutively four excellent results through national professional evaluation, and transportation engineering program is featured by Shaanxi province. In 2010 civil engineering program has been selected as the first implemental program of Excellent Engineer Training Program by Ministry of Education, followed by transportation engineering in 2011. In 2017 civil engineering was eligible for the first-level Shaanxi discipline, city underground space engineering, and traffic and transportation engineering were as the first-level incubated Shaanxi discipline. v5:9qb2+8CW1?6U
The school can grant PhD degree and post-doctoral mobile research station in civil engineering discipline. It also grant master's degree in traffic and transportation engineering discipline. The civil engineering discipline includes broad disciplinary categories of Structural Engineering, Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Bridge and Tunnel Engineering, Construction and Management, and Modern Structural Theory, where Structural Engineering is national key discipline. y4=1Yu1-3eV38l
There are about 190 faculties and staff members employed in the school, among them 40 are professors, 60 are associate professors, 36are PhD supervisors. The school has one team awarded by the Ministry of Education as “Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team”, and one national-level teaching team. Among academic members, one was awarded as the National Outstanding Youth Science Founding.one awarded as nationally outstanding teachers, one was committee member of academic degree committee of the state council, and two awarded Young teacher award by Fok Ying Tong Education Foundation by Ministry of Education, one awarded Science Fund of distinguished Young Scholars by Shaanxi Province,two awarded Young Science and Technology Award by Shaanxi Province, eight awarded New Star of Young Science and Technology by Shaanxi Province. Y8!8UQ8.9Ge7=,0
Currently there are four laboratories in the school, including Structure and Seismic Laboratory, Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory, Highway and Traffic Engineering Laboratory, Simulation Center of Civil and Transportation Engineering. In addition, there are national key laboratory of Western Green Building Laboratory, the Ministry of Education's key laboratory of Structural and Seismic Laboratory, Shaanxi Province's key laboratory of Structural and Seismic Laboratory, the national Experiment Teaching Demonstration Center of civil engineering, national Virtual Simulation Experiment Teaching Center of civil engineering, national Demonstration Center of joint supervision of graduate students in the Architecture and Civil Engineering fields of the northwestern region, Shaanxi Province's 2011Collaborative Innovation Center of prefabricated building industrialization in the west district. p8.,sJ6?2oX5~6Q
The school has strived for excellence over the past five years, such as about 1021 latitudinal research projects and the amount of these funding up to 1970,80 thousands, about 30 national, ministerial and provincial-level Prize in science and technology progress, about 294 authorized patents with about 126 authorized patent for invention, about 52 published monographs with about 41 teaching materials, about 52 published national standards and norms as leading and principle editors, about 1962 published academic papers with about 628 papers indexed by SCI and EI, and so on. j5.5Kg6!9cr2+1m
In the recent years, the school has maintained good communications and cooperation with other universities from American, Germany, Japan, Korea etc Specially, In 2017, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology and University of South Australia cooperatively run An De College, and cultivate undergraduate and graduate students in civil engineering. w7?4pS59mm1?4O
With its unique geographical condition and industrial origin, the school took the west China as the base, and meanwhile, it faces the nation. Since the foundation of the school in 1956, it has developed more than 20 thousands qualified personnel in civil engineering and traffic and transportation engineering, and contributed significantly to the national, industrial and regional economy construction and social development. j2-7QU4-3Au9!7r
(2019年6月) L,:7fo5?1qM5-6V