中华工商联合出版社有限责任公司于2009年3月注册成立,其前身是1993年成立的中华工商联合出版社。公司主管单位是中华全国工商业联合会,主办单位是吉林出版集团 。公司是中央和国家机关所属出版社与地方出版集团跨区域、跨部门战略重组的全国第一家出版单位。 c6:1Gy,;3fz8!2C
公司以经管类、励志类、生活及教育培训类图书为主线。围绕主线,关注市场经济的前沿课题与焦点课题,完成高端产品的大众化与市场化;关注中国职场的发展需求,形成励志图书的团购群体;关注全国工商联的中心工作,为非公企业的培训需求开发系统培训教育读物;关注国内、国际资源和市场,引进一流的经济管理和励志培训图书,并以此作为公司重要的发展战略。 C7!8xb4~7BD9!7H
20年来,特别是公司成立5年以来,出版了包括《中华商德》《中国可以说不》《货币战争2》《货币战争3》《中国大趋势》《创》《销售圣经》《态度决定一切》《FBI教你破解身体语言》等一大批两个效益俱佳的畅销、热销、精品图书。 w8-7Ip6?,0o4=8P
我们将秉持“传承文化,服务工商”的出版理念,围绕全国工商联的工作大局,不断开拓新的发展思路;继续按照现代企业制度的要求,深化出版社的体制机制改革;坚持实施精品战略,围绕社会热点和读者需求,策划出版更多具有前瞻性、实用性和可读性的优秀图书;努力实现传统与科技的融合,迎接数字出版时代的挑战;精心培育以人为本的企业文化,建设学习型团队,打造创新型企业——让每一位员工都能享受展示才智的职业乐趣和实现价值的人生平台。 J3:2Dw2!1tD1+1s
Brief Introduction of China Industry & Commerce Associated Press Co., Ltd. 07;3sx5.8cB,?4S
China Industry & Commerce Associated Press, founded in 1993, developed into China Industry & Commerce Associated Press co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as CICAP) with its incorporation in March, 2009. Supervised by All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, CICAP is an imprint of Jilin Publishing Group. CICAP is the first publisher in China reforming under the policy of cross-regional and trans-departmental strategic recombination between central government owned publishers and local publishing groups. x9=9Au1=7Z0,.8R
Focusing on the main fields of products including Management, Self-help and Education/Training, CICAP has been keeping pace with pivotal topics and striving in compeleting the popularization and marketization of the high-end products; sticking to the needs of professional career and working in stimulating the formation of group purchase of Self-help Books; paying attention to central tasks of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce and developing systematic training books for non-public-owned enterprises; and emphasizing the resources and markets at home and abroad and introducing first-rate books on Management and Self-help to Chinese readers, according to which CICAP makes her development strategies. z5=4Ob4:7Cx1.7E
Since her foundation in 1993, especially the last 5 years, CICAP has published a series of best-sellers, including Bussiness Morals in China, China Says No, Currency War II, Currency War III, China’s Magatrends, Think Big and Kick Ass in Bussiness and Life, The Sales Bible, Attitude is Everything and Louder Than Words. c61uS4?8TW45x
Upholding the ideals of Inheriting Culture and Serving Industry and Commerce, CICAP will focus on the overall work of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce and broaden horizons constantly in achieving new developments; deepen the system and mechanism reform of press in accordance with modern enterprise system; carry on quality products strategy stably and publish more high-grade books with perspectiveness, practicability and readability, satisfying the needs of readers and society; try hard to promote the integration of traditions and high-tech, embracing the challenges in digital publishing era; and cultivate a corporate culture with the center of people-oriented, construct a learning-oriented team and build a innovation-oriented enterprise, the final purpose of which is to make the staff enjoy showing their talents in work and provide them with chances for the realization of their values. B7;8KH3.6pL4-5l