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2021-8-14 00:13



影视与传媒学院始建于2007年,初始定名为影视学院,2010年4月正式更名为影视与传媒学院,下设广告学系、影视编导系、语言传播系、戏剧影视美术设计系、表演系、戏剧影视文学系、广播电视学系七个系部。学院本着“一专多能,综合培养”的宗旨,坚持艺术与技术、理论与实践相结合的原则,树立全新的教育理念,实现不同学科之间的交叉、渗透与融合;强调培养学生的人文修养与综合素质,着重培养学生专业技能与传播能力,致力于满足社会需求的同时引导传媒艺术的审美方向,进行影视与传媒内容、形式的创新研究以及影视与传媒高新技术的综合运用与研究。 I5?8uK,:4lF1!,v

影视与传媒学院已形成了以本科教学为主体,研究生教育为发展方向的较为完备的人才培养体系。目前拥有新闻传播学、戏剧与影视学两个一级学科,以及广告学、传播学、新闻学、戏剧戏曲学、戏剧影视表演、戏剧戏曲影视编剧、广播电视艺术、播音主持艺术、戏剧影视美术设计、影视摄影、电影学11个二级学科。研究生招收新闻传播学硕士、戏剧影视学硕士、戏剧领域及广播电视领域艺术硕士,2014年获得新闻与传播专业硕士培养资格。本科设有广告学、广播电视编导、播音与主持艺术、表演、戏剧影视美术设计、摄影、影视摄影与制作、戏剧影视文学、广播电视学9个专业,并与英国合作办学开设了广播电视编导(中英校际交流2+2)和播音与主持艺术(中英校际交流2+2)两个专业方向。 X,+5pt6;,PP,7J

学院现有国家级教学实践基地1个,国家级特色专业1个,2个自治区重点人文社科研究基地“中国—东盟传媒艺术研究中心”和“中国—东盟华语有声语言研究中心”。自治区级优质特色专业3个,自治区级优秀教学团队1个,校级优秀教学团队2个。全体师生秉承优良的传统和先进的办学理念,积极开拓进取、奋发向上,努力把学院建设成为“立足广西、面向全国、辐射东南亚”且优势凸显、特色鲜明、专业相对齐全的影视与传媒人才培养和科研基地。 g6-4FN8+3Xl6.1v

Introduction to “College of Film, Television & Media” K7:8UN3=,q05~1D

“College of Film, Television & media” was established in 2007, first named “College of Film & Television”, then officially renamed “College of Film, Television & media” in April, 2010. Seven departments are set up under the college: “Advertising”, “Directing in Film & Television”, “Language Communication”, “Art Designing in Drama, Film & Television”, “Performing”, “Literature in Drama, Film & Television,Radio & Television”. With the purpose of “Comprehensive improvement in one major and several specialties”, the College grasps the trend of contemporary era, sticks to the principle of “combining arts with technology, and theory with practice”, develops a new concept of education, and achieves the interaction, cooperation, and integration among different disciplines. The College focuses on cultivating students’ humanity and comprehensive quality, as well as their professional skills and communication ability. By committing it to satisfying the social need while leading the aesthetic direction of communication arts, the College conducts research on the content and form, as well as the application of high-tech of film, television and media. E8=2nH5.7MG9=1c

College of Film, Television & Media has formed the relatively complete talent cultivation system: the main part is undergraduate education, and the development trend is postgraduate education. Currently the College has 2 first-level disciplines: “Journalism & Communication” and “Drama, Film & Television”; and 11 second-level disciplines: “Advertisement”, “Communication”, “Journalism”, “Theater and Chinese Traditional Opera”,“Drama and Movie Performance”,“Screenplay of Theater and Chinese Traditional Opera”,“Arts of Radio & Television”,“Broadcasting & Hosting Arts”,“Artistic Design of Drama and Movie Performance”, “Cinematography for Film and Television”, “Filmology”. Postgraduate education covers “Journalism & Communication”,“Drama and Film Studies”, and other fieldsin drama, broadcasting and television etc.Moreover,“Journalism & Communication”is authorized to cultivate the postgraduates in 2014.At present the college has set up nine undergraduate majors: “Advertising”, “Directing in Broadcasting & Television”, “Broadcasting & Hosting Arts”, “Performing”, “Artistic Design of Drama and Movie”, “Photography”, “Photography and Directing in Film & Television”, “Literature in Drama, Film & Television,“ Radio & Television””; In addition, the College has cooperated with the Britain in setting up two specialties: "Directing in Broadcasting, Film & Television"(China-Britain Interschool Exchange 2+2), and "Broadcasting & Hosting Arts"(China-Britain Interschool Exchange 2+2). x8:1sh2!2gk6=,A

The College has one national level teaching practice base, one national level characteristic specialty, two regional level key Humanity & Social Sciences Study Bases: “China-ASEAN Media & Arts Research Center ”, and “China-ASEAN Chinese Language Research Center”; it also has three regional level excellent characteristic majors, one regional level excellent teaching group, two College-level excellent teaching groups. All the teachers and students will inherit the fine tradition and advance education theory, forge ahead and exert ourselves together, with the aim of developing our College into a talent training base of film, television and media, and a position for scientific research and creation, which is “based on Guangxi, cruising along with other university nationwide, and influencing Southeast Asia”, and has highlighted advantages, distinct characteristics, as well as relatively complete disciplines C8=1Wq43EN9;7C



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