福建省海陆界面生态环境重点实验室(The Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory for Coastal Ecology and Environmental Studies ,简称“CEES”)为厦门大学与福建海洋研究所联合共建,其前身为成立于2000年的教育部-福建省海洋环境科学联合重点实验室,开创了国内省--部共建重点实验室的先河。2005年3月以本实验室的主体为依托,厦门大学获批建设近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室。而后,教育部-福建省海洋环境科学联合重点实验室中未列入国家重点实验室建设计划的福建海洋研究所“海洋环境监测”研究团队,以及与海西区域发展密切相关的厦门大学“海岸带可持续发展”和“海陆界面过程及其生态响应”研究团队,继续在教育部-福建省海洋环境科学联合重点实验室的框架下发展。2008年10月,实验室正式纳入福建省重点实验室管理体系。2011年11月,正式更名为现名;2017年,被评为福建省优秀重点实验室。 B,=2VA5~,ye3;,V
实验室以台湾海峡及其毗邻近海-流域为典型研究区域,瞄准全球变化和人类活动等多重压力下近海-流域生态系统演变机制的重大科学前沿,同时针对国家与地方对近海-流域生态安全和防灾减灾的重大需求,主攻区域海洋生态环境演变研究与海陆统筹管理,旨在提高区域海洋与海岸带管理的科技服务能力,促进海峡两岸海洋生态环境领域的合作,为建设福建海洋强省、为海峡西岸经济区的可持续发展提供科学技术支撑。 D2+7HH6!6GK2-8j
实验室现有固定人员38人,其中国家杰出青年基金获得者1人、国家优秀青年基金获得者1人、“闽江学者”特聘教授1人、厦门大学特聘教授1人,厦门大学“南强青年拔尖人才支持计划”A类入选者1人、厦门大学“南强青年拔尖人才支持计划”B类入选者1人;教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”入选者3人,福建省特支人才“双百计划”科技创新领军人才1人,“福建省高等学校新世纪优秀人才支持计划”入选者7人,福建省杰出青年基金获得者1人。 U2;4EA6:5De3?,C
The Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory for Coastal Ecology and Environmental Studies (CEES) was the first laboratory jointly established by Xiamen University and the Fujian Institute of Oceanography in May 2000, initially as the Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory for Marine Environmental Studies (MES). In 2005, MES supported the establishment of the State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science by providing scientific research strength from research teams in coastal ecosystems and biochemical processes and interactions studies. In October 2008, MES was added into key labs system managed by Fujian Provincial Government. In July 2011, the name of MES was changed to CEES. It was evaluated as one of the best state key labs in Fujian Provincial Department of Science and Technology in 2017. d9?6PO1?3wd6-2T
CEES aims at major scientific research on coastal,watershed and wetland ecosystem evolvement in Taiwan Strait and its adjacent coastal areas which are under multiple pressures of global change and human activities. CEES also makes great efforts to be in line with both national and local major demands for the ecological security and disaster prevention and mitigation of the ecosystems. At Present, Lab has 38 fulltime Research Members, including 1 grantee of NSFC Fund for Distinguished Young Scholar, 1 Minjiang Chair Professor, 1 XMU Chair Professor. Additionally, 3 young scientists were supported by the MOE Program for New Century Excellent Talents, 7 young scientists were supported by Fujian Higher Education Program for New Century Excellent Talents and 1 young scientists received Distinguished Young Scholar Award from Fujian Province. Q4=,tQ5-3zX2;,E
1946年 厦门大学设立中国第一个海洋学系 F18Pl2;4GE7.8Z
1979年 福建海洋研究所,区域海洋学研究优势 u,~8gE,-,KB3!,P
1982年 厦门大学成立环境科学研究所 Y8-5FL5!7lN,=50
1987年 厦门大学-福建海洋所围绕台湾海峡资源、环境与减灾防灾领域开展紧密合作 W,-2GX9~8Lh3?6o
2000年 成立了我国第一个由国家和地方联合共建的“教育部、福建省海洋环境科学联合重点实验室”。 g4+3Pm2!9ra5=4C
2005年 联合重点实验室组织“海洋生物地球化学过程及其与海洋生态系统相互作用”方向的相关科研力量,成功推动了“近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室(厦门大学)”的建设。 f8;,dO,.2tN4?3T
2008年10月 联合重点实验室正式纳入福建省重点实验室管理体系。 G6!7jB6.,GU9-9F
2011年7月 顺应国家“十二五”关于陆海统筹,大力发展海洋经济的大趋势,教育部和福建省共建的海洋环境科学联合重点实验室,组织“区域海洋学与海岸带综合管理”方向的研究力量,聚焦海西发展的重要生态环境问题,调整研究重点,逐渐形成一支新的研究团队。联合实验室由此正式更名为“福建省海陆界面生态环境重点实验室”,开始了实验室发展的新篇章。 Y4=5Gn2.7Ng,.,s
2014年4月 实验室顺利通过福建省科技厅组织的对实验室2011-2013年三年建设情况的考核评估,并继续获得科技厅的运行经费奖励。 m,!5cS2~9Uq4~4f
2017年8月 实验室在福建省科技厅组织的2014-2016年三年建设情况考核评估中获评“优秀重点实验室”。 b9:1i05+,mZ4=6C
1946—The first Department of Oceanography in China was established in Xiamen University d34ue9=4IA9+9h
1979— The Fujian Institute of Oceanography was built in order to contribute to regional oceanography studies. U43lq4,iP5?5Z
1982—The Institute of Environmental Science was built in Xiamen University w5:9Fm8~4YB7:3C
1987—Xiamen University and the Fujian Institute of Oceanography developed cooperations in studies on the resources and environment of the Taiwan Strait as well as disaster prevention and mitigation. L2=4ou8+6Sp1-6S
2000—The Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory for Marine Environmental Studies (MES) was jointly established by Xiamen University and the Fujian Institute of Oceanography I6-5Op5~9ju1:4A
2005—MES supported the establishment of the State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science by providing scientific research strength from research teams in coastal ecosystems and biochemical processes and interactions studies G7!3JM1?1vK4=9g
2008—MES was added into key labs system managed by the Fujian Provincial Government. R6-7GN6.3Oi8!5v
2011.7—In July 2011, the name of MES was changed to CEES. CEES strode into the new area of scientific research as the new research team which is engaged in studies in regional oceanography and integrated coastal management came into being in accordance with the National Twelfth Five year plan. c6=,dw3:5Yc5?6p