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成都七中(四川省成都市第七中学 )

2015-11-27 09:07
2021-7-22 02:11

成都七中(四川省成都市第七中学 )网站详情

成都七中(四川省成都市第七中学 )简介

成都七中(成都中学)是一所全国著名并具有一定国际影响力的全日制完全中学,是基础教育改革的一面先锋旗帜。学校在学生综合素质培养、课程改革、拔尖创新人才基础培养、推进教育现代化和国际化等方面成果卓著。 c9.1Gr7!8QV6-1M

成都七中(成都中学)办学历史悠久,前身是1905年由墨池书院和芙蓉书院合并创立的成都高等小学堂,1907年学校更名为成都县中学堂,1952年更名为成都市第七中学校。1978年成为四川省重点中学,1986年被确定为教育部在四川的定点联系学校,2000年被四川省教育厅评定为首批国家级示范性普通高中,并被教育部确定为国家级示范性高中建设项目样板学校,2013年被评为四川省首批一级示范性普通高中。2014年成都七中加挂“成都中学”校名。成都七中(成都中学)现有林荫和高新两个校区,占地面积238亩,师生5000余人。成都七中(成都中学)以突出的办学成绩和良好的社会声誉先后获得全国“五一劳动奖状” 、“全国教育系统先进集体”、首批“全国科技教育创新十佳学校”、教育部“拔尖创新人才培养基地学校”、 首批“全国文明校园”、团中央“全国中学生志愿服务示范学校”等多项荣誉和称号。 z,!8vf8:3DB16t

成都七中(成都中学)秉承“启迪有方,治学严谨,爱生育人”的办学传统,凝练出了“以人为本,重在发展”为核心的“三体”教育思想,确立了“建设为拔尖创新人才和领军人才奠基的卓越高中”的办学目标,“人文滋养,个性成长”的育人价值追求及“全球视野,中国脊梁”的培养目标。 e2+,Wi26cb8.7Z

目前成都七中(成都中学)拥有一支德艺双馨的师资队伍。其中,享受国务院政府特殊津贴的专家4人,全国优秀教师9人,“天府万人计划”天府名师1人,四川省中小学名校长3人,四川省学术与技术带头人5人,四川省特级教师27人,四川省有突出贡献专家3人,四川省教书育人名师6人,四川省中小学名班主任3人,四川省优秀教师10人,成都市教育专家4人,成都市特级教师13人,成都市学科带头人41人,正高级教师12人,高级教师235人,学校有170余位硕士学位和教育学硕士课程结业的教师在一线从事教学工作,还有一批清华、北大名校毕业的老师及海归硕士、博士老师。近年来,学校涌现了一批全国知名、贡献突出的竞赛教练,涌现了一大批特色鲜明、引领群芳的班主任和风格独特、成绩卓著的学科教师。先后有近140余位教师获得全国或省市赛课一等奖。广大教师在专著出版、论文发表、课题研究、教改探索等方面硕果累累,学校教改科研氛围浓厚。 N3-,ax3+,lg,?9a

成都七中(成都中学)坚持“以爱国主义教育为中心,以做人教育为基础,以立志成才教育为主线,以心理健康教育为特色”的德育指导思想,充分发挥学生的主体作用,积极创建“最适宜学生发展”的教育平台,充分尊重学生个体特点,鼓励学生个性发展,人尽其才,才尽其用,努力保障每一位学生都获得成才、成功的机会。成都七中(成都中学)从上世纪80年代就开始了课程改革,逐步创设了科学、完备的素质教育课程体系。目前学校两校区每学期开设各类选修课100多门,活动课50多门。有“六大”学生组织,有“三报”“两台”和“四刊”。学校先后有8位学子参加英特尔国际科学与工程大奖赛荣获佳绩,并有6颗小行星以他们的名字命名。学校的模联社、未来领袖社、机器人队、管乐团、排球队、足球队、健美操、定向越野、体育舞蹈等艺体团队领先西部,在全国均有较大影响力。七中学子曾获VEX机器人世锦赛冠军,全国中学生领导力大赛第一名,CCTV全国英语电视大赛冠军,全国财经素养大赛特等奖等荣誉。 B8.,bR7?,Cn4!7T

成都七中(成都中学)的学科课堂教学匠心独运、成效卓立。在科学、高效地建构学生知识和能力体系的同时,注重培养学生的人文素养、独立人格、合作精神、探究意识和实践能力,特别注重学生自主学习,注重学生终身学习能力的培养,简而不薄,精而不拘,厚而不冗。充分让思想的高度、思考的宽度和思维的深度穿行在启迪有方的课堂之中,碰溅青春、梦想和智慧的火花,自由而不失规范,活跃而不失严谨。根据学生的多元需求和特质差异,教学形式灵活多样,整体提升,分层推进。近年来,每年约有70人考入清华大学和北京大学,约占成都市1/2。另外,每年还有近200名学生被国外一流大学录取。 g,3QY4!,WU1~6h

多年来,成都七中(成都中学)致力于拔尖创新人才的基础培养,为学生的特长发展创造良好的条件,为高水平研究型大学优势基础学科输送了众多拔尖创新人才。学校先后培养了以张兴栋等9位院士为代表的大批杰出人才。特别是改革开放以来培养的许多学生,近年来纷纷取得世界级的学术成果,在全球范围内产生了重大影响。如世界著名经济学家、清华大学教授李稻葵;SASTRA拉马努金奖获得者、晨兴数学金奖获得者、美国麻省理工大学教授张伟;世界人工智能领军人物、斯坦福大学教授李飞飞;搜狗公司CEO王小川;全国知名视频弹幕网站哔哩哔哩CEO陈睿;腾旭首席运营官任宇昕;原滴滴研究院院长现为飞步科技创始人兼CEO何晓飞;入选《福布斯》杂志“2014年度科学及医疗领域30岁以下青年俊杰”的杨璐菡;国内大数据研究领军人物、电子科大教授周涛……截至目前,七中学子已在学科奥赛中获得14枚国际金牌、1枚国际银牌。学校每年学科奥赛获全国一等奖的人数占四川省的1/3以上。2019年五大学科奥赛145人获得全国一等奖,位列全国第二,23人获得全国决赛金牌,位列全国第一,入选国家集训队13人,位列全国第一。2020年五大学科奥赛,24人获得全国决赛金牌,位列全国第一,入选国家集训队19人,位列全国第一。 n2+6ZT4+8zj8;3u

如今,成都七中(成都中学)已是一个大家庭,七中教育集团已经拥有国际高中、闻道网校、七中育才、七中初中、七中嘉祥、七中实验、七中万达、七中八一等16家成员单位。从2002年开始的成都七中(成都中学)远程直播教学和近几年开展的“未来课堂”、“翻转课堂”、“泛在学习”探索,辐射到了云南、贵州、四川、重庆、陕西、江西、甘肃、青海、广西、山东、新疆。合计有309所高中,近10万名高中学生通过卫星直播的方式与成都七中(成都中学)的学生同步上课。 x7+,Ia7-7JP24L

成都七中(成都中学)与美国金克斯高中,美国波士顿毕弗尔中学,法国巴黎珍妮?曼努埃尔双语学校,英国丁克鲁斯学校,新加坡莱佛士书院等多所国外学校建立友好合作关系,每年组织师生参加国际交流互访活动等达200多人次。学校学生管乐团先后多次赴美国、澳大利亚、新加坡、奥地利等地表演交流。学校机器人队、科创小组等也多次出国参加相关赛事并取得优异成绩。学校国际部有外教14名,开设中美双文凭学历课程,提供海外大学本科衔接课程、学分转移课程等,已累计输出优秀学生2000多名。先后有美国前第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马,诺贝尔物理学奖得主戴维·格罗斯,大数据之父、牛津大学教授维克托·迈尔·舍恩伯格等知名人士来访并为师生做演讲或学术报告;美国世纪爵士·萨克斯风乐团、田纳西单簧管艺术团等艺术团体也先后来校交流演出。 s9,jp72ON8.9y

十年树木,百年树人;七中人永远前进在教育兴国的路上! k2:8qh2+3uW5,H

地址:四川省成都市林荫中街1号(林荫校区);四川省成都市富华北路1号(高新校区) F2=8kb7=8WP,:2i

Established in 1905, Chengdu No. 7 High School is a nationally renowned co-educational high school celebrating both academic excellence and individuality. It is a forerunner in secondary education reform with increasing influence and rich experience in curriculum reform. The cultivation of top-notch innovative talents, educational modernization and internationalization has brought the school into the national limelight. The school covers an area of 39 acres with two campuses serving more than 5,000 students from Junior One to Senior Three (Grades 7 to 12) currently. L44Sq1!8XK5.2B

Chengdu No. 7 High School grew out of the Chengdu Primary School, which was founded in 1905 when two centuries-old academies of classical learning were combined. In 1907, the school was renamed the Middle School of Chengdu County. The school was given the current name of Chengdu No.7 High School in 1952 and has continued to build on its long legacy. Chengdu No. 7 was granted “Key Secondary School of Sichuan Province” status in 1978 and was honored by China’s Education Ministry as a “National-level Model High School” in 2000. In 2014, the name "Chengdu Middle School" was bestowed on Chengdu No. 7 High School to honor its history with the city of Chengdu. j92xq3!7Kj7~6M

With outstanding academic achievements and good social reputation, the school has won many honors and titles. It is the recipient of the National Labor Medal, the National Top Ten Science and Technology Education Innovation School, the National Top-notch Innovative Talents Training Base School, the National Civilized Campus , the National Volunteer Service Demonstration High School and the Advanced Collective of National Education System. a9.,pC9:4XL1!1D

Ever since its foundation over a hundred years ago, Chengdu No.7 High has maintained its time-honored tradition of inspiring, student-centered teaching based on meticulous planning and research. We encourage our students to meet challenges through the development of individual strengths and abilities. Student ownership of the educational process and the development of the student as a whole is a primary goal. Chengdu No.7 High School strives to balance rigorous standards in a nurturing environment for all students in the aim of laying the foundation and paving the way for future innovators and leading talents. Vigorously pursuing the education value of “nourishing individuality with humanity”, the school is devoted to fostering China’s backbone talents with global vision through groundbreaking programs and progressive ideas offered to students. L,;1tR9+40a9:6t

The Chengdu No.7 High School staff consists of devoted and seasoned professionals who also have years of experience in providing the highest quality of education. More than 170 teachers hold master's or doctor’s degree, more than 200 teachers hold senior professional title, hundreds of them have been honored by educational authorities of national, provincial and municipal levels for their outstanding contributions to the mission of the school and their dedication to the cause of education. In the 1980s, Chengdu No.7 High School was one of the first to enrich the standard curriculum with a complete portfolio of electives and organized supplementary activities. Currently, more than 100 electives are offered to students each semester. These are designed to stimulate intellectual independence and curiosity as well as to develop critical and creative thinking. The courses pave the way for students to deepen their knowledge in specific disciplines. More than 50 student clubs and societies provide students the means to pursue their passions and develop personal abilities that complement and transcend the formal school curriculum. The school' s Model United Nations Association, Future Leaders Club, Robotics Team, Students Orchestra, Volleyball team, and Football team are among the best in western China. No.7 students have earned numerous awards such as the Vex Robotics World Championship, the National High School Students Leadership Championship, and the Grand Prize at National Financial Literacy Competition, to name a few. S3:6nq1=6In5~90

We measure our performance by the success of our graduates who have been scaling the heights of success around the world and in every field imaginable. K,+4KD8+9qD1~5N

Many of them have made contributions to their areas of expertise and are now leaders in their fields. Here are a few of our successes: f,~8MX1-2km1-,0

--Nine graduates have been elected to the Chinese Academy of Sciences and/or the US National Academy of Engineering. w6?,co,-4Br1?2n

--Eleven have won gold medals at the International Olympiads. p25sl6;8Te5+4v

--Six of our students have had minor planets named after them by MIT's Lincoln Laboratory in recognition of their outstanding performance in Intel ISEF, the world’s largest international pre-college science competition. Other notable alumni include: --Li Daokui, Economist, Mansfield Freeman Chair Professor of Economics, Director of the Center for China in the World Economy (CCWE) at Tsinghua University' s School of Economics and Management. u7-5DD,?8sY2.2B

--Zhang Wei, recipient of the 2010 SASTRA Ramanujan Prize (named after the world-renowned mathematician Srinavasa Ramanujan) for outstanding work in mathematics. E21jd8;5ce2:,y

--Li Feifei, Director of the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab and the Stanford Vision Lab, Vice President and Chief scientist of Google Cloud. c8!,mF7:7CK51y

--Wang Xiaochuan, Computer programmer and Internet entrepreneur, founder and Chief Executive Officer of Sogou Inc., one of China’s top Internet search engine and leading Artificial Intelligence company. X4=1rj7-3OG9;7y

--Chen Rui, founder and Chief Executive Officer of Bilibili, China's leading video broadcasting portal and animation streaming platform. --Ren Yuxin,Chief Operating Officer of Tencent, the biggest video game company in the world investing heavily in technological innovation. --Zhou Tao, Director of the Big Data Research Center and a doctoral supervisor at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, a leading figure in the big data industry. --Yang Luhan, Biologist, Forbes 2014 30 under 30 in Science and Healthcare, Co-Founder of eGenesis, a life sciences company whose mission is to transform xenotransplantation into an everyday, lifesaving medical procedure. Every year, More than 200 graduates from Chengdu No.7 High School enroll at many of the world’s most prestigious universities. Over 70 students head to Peking University and Tsinghua University, China’s top 2 higher education institutions. Up to now, Chengdu No.7 High students have won 14 gold medals and 1 silver medal in international discipline Olympiads. In recent years, Chengdu No.7 High has been playing a leading role in China’s five discipline Olympiads. Today, Chengdu No.7 High School has become a big family which already owned 16 member schools. The school has not only achieved widespread accolades and prestigious academic rankings, but also contributed greatly to equitable access to high-quality education in China. Chengdu No.7 High School’s Distance Education Cooperation Program provides an avenue to quality education to students from less affluent areas and allows them to participate in our classes in real time. To date, the program has been instituted in eight provinces, two autonomous regions and Chongqing Municipality in southwest China with more than 309 member high schools, nearly 10,000 students from ethnic minority areas and less-developed regions participating in the program, which empowers them with quality education together with peers at No.7 High every day. Chengdu No.7 High places great importance on developing its students' sense of global citizenship. The annual exchange program between No.7 High and Jenks High School in America has been running smoothly for years. In recent years, the school has established sister school relationship with Beaver Country Day School in Boston, America, école Jeannine Manuel School in Paris, France, Dean Close Preparatory School in Cheltenham, UK, and Raffles Institution in Singapore. Our programs propel students towards the acceptance and understanding of an array of different cultural and community perspectives through communication in today’s globalized world. Due to the emphasis on rigorous preparation and high achievement as well as the global perspective, many students have pursued their educational dreams with full scholarships at prestigious overseas universities. j8-9qI7=,Hc7?9h

To broaden the horizons of students and staff, many world-renowned experts, including Nobel Prize Laureates, NAE academicians, and guest scientists and artists are invited to the school to speak or perform on a regular basis. In recent years, the school has been visited by Nobel Laureates such as David Gross and J. Michael Bishop, academics like Viktor Mayer-Sch?nberger, Professor at University of Oxford, and influential people such as former U.S. first lady Ms. Michelle Obama. O7!3Ii,.,fe,?6w

The staff and students at Chengdu No.7 High School are proud of their rich history and heritage of achievement and academic excellence. We know that the most promising discoveries for global challenges lie ahead. We are not complacent with our current results; we seek to constantly improve in every aspect. Combined with a devoted instructional staff and leadership, we know this commitment to students will allow Chengdu No.7 High School to continue to lead the way in the 21st century and transform lives through the power of education. C6?3iG6+6WB8!7L



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