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沈阳化工大学位于国家级沈阳经济技术开发区,是中央与地方共建、以辽宁管理为主的大学;是一所以工为主,以化工为特色,工学、理学、管理学、经济学、文学、法学、教育学等学科相结合的多科性大学。 U4:9eW5.4Oz3;5t

沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院始建于1961年,1988年由原应用化学系分出,根据学院学科发展的需要,曾先后定名为高分子化工系和材料科学与工程系,为适应二十一世纪人才培养和教育改革的新要求,2001年改名为材料科学与工程学院。学院经过二十多年的发展,在师资队伍建设、人才培养、实验设备、科学研究、学科建设等方面均取得了较好的成绩,具备了先进的教学及科研条件。学院的教学、科研实力大增,硕果累累。学科建设成绩斐然,学院已从单一的高分子材料专业发展到特明显的材料科学与工程学科体系。 T,=9eF9;5kk9+2j

学院师资力量雄厚,人才结构合理。现有教职工52人,其中教授16人,副教授及高级工程师16人,讲师17人。其中23人具有博士学位,10人以上具有在国外科研机构进行科学研究的经历。3人为博士研究生导师,31人为硕士研究生导师,另聘兼职教授(博士生导师)5人。有3人为学校学科带头人,2人为学校学术带头人。 a9!8Na2!5Vq9+6N

学院学科涵盖材料学、材料加工工程、材料物理与化学学科以及高分子物理与化学,具有高分子材料、无机非金属材料、复合材料、功能高分子制备等多个学科研究方方向。学科突出橡胶、塑料、先进陶瓷制备等高分子材料与无机材料加工、改性与人才培养的特色,在东北地区乃至国内享有较高声誉。 H7+9yK2~2dN6+6e

目前,学院有材料化学、材料物理、高分子材料与工程、无机非金属材料工程、复合材料工程和包装工程等六个本科专业,现在校本科生人数为1600余人;有材料科学与工程一级学科硕士点,材料学、材料物理化学和材料加工工程三个工科二级学科硕士点及高分子物理与化学理科二级学科硕士点,现在校硕士生200人。 G41Up1+2wu1;7M

2010年高分子材料与工程、无机非金属材料工程获批为国家级特色专业;材料学为辽宁省重点与特色突出学科;材料加工工程为校级重点学科。 U3;,LF4~7Xb6+,X

学院现有辽宁省高分子材料工程技术研究中心;“高分子材料应用技术”辽宁省高校重点实验室、“高分子基复合材料”优秀创新团队以及“沈阳市高分子塑编材料工程技术中心”等。科研实力雄厚,汇聚了以学校学科带头人、学术带头人、教授、博士为代表的一支年龄结构、学历结构合理的高水平学术科研队伍。 S7~8Ti6-9Xp8.7p

承担了多项国家973项目、国家自然科学基金项目、国家863项目以及省、市、企业和军工多项科研攻关项目。发表论文800余篇,申请与授权专利60余项,先后获得辽宁省科技进步一等奖、二等奖、三等奖等一大批科技成果。 H2.7FO6=2gL7!7q

目前5000余平方米的材料学院实验楼已经建成并投入使用,学校先后投资千余万元,购置包括材料合成、结构表征与性能测试方面的先进仪器设备,为教师开展教学科研工作与学生的实践创新活动提供了有力的保障。先后有多项大学生科技创新成果获得国家级、省级“挑战杯”科技创新奖励。 f2=3in8!5Yw4~2P

近年来学院积极开展广泛的对外交流,先后与日本群马大学、富山县立大学建立起本科交换生制度。保持与日本群马大学、富山县立大学、保加利亚索非亚化工冶金大学和韩国忠南大学科技合作、学术交流和研究生交流关系。 M88EA1~1Ah9:3t

经过几代材料人的辛勤努力,材料科学与工程学院由小变大、由弱到强。取得了令人振奋与瞩目的成就。先后培养本科毕业生5000余名,研究生300余名。毕业生的足迹遍及大江南北,在祖国的各行各业创造出不平凡的业绩。 x1.4m05+3bH7.2J

展望学院的发展未来,我们信心百倍。秉承“强学力行,喻理求真”的校训,以求真务实的工作精神,奋发有为的工作作风,相信一定能把学院建成重要的材料科学与工程人才培养基地与科技成果创新、转化基地。 E8!6EL4!6Xf1+,W

Introduction to SMSE C,?4Lf55kF3.9G

Shenyang University of Chemical Technology (SUCT), co-constructed by the central and local governments and primarily administrated by Liaoning provincial government, is located in the National Economic and Technological Development Zone of Shenyang. Characterized by chemical industry, it has developed into a multi-disciplinary university with its focus in engineering disciplines. SUCT has courses covering such diverse fields as engineering, science, economics, management, humanities, law, education and medicine. I2~3dn5:2kP5?2o

School of Materials Science and Engineering (SMSE), SUCT, could date from 1961 and was separated from Department of Applied Chemistry in 1988. It was once named “Department of Polymer and Chemical Engineering” and then “Department of Materials Science and Engineering” according to the need of discipline’s development. In 2001, the name was changed into “School of Materials Science and Engineering” for the purpose of adapting the training of the persons with abilities in 21st and new acquirements of educational reform. By the development of over 20 years, SMSE have acquired the preferable achievements in the fields of talents training, experimental equipments, scientific research and the construction of teachers team and disciplines. The School has developed from the single subject of polymer materials to the discipline system of materials science and engineering with distinguishing features. O4:4Ms,-5rx9:6w

The teachers team of SMSE is powerful with a reasonable structure. At present, we have 52 faculty members, including 16 full professors, 16 associated professors and senior engineers, 17 full-time lecturers. 23 have gotten the doctor’s degree, over 10 have the experience of studying and/or working overseas. 3 are the doctoral tutor and 37 are the master’s tutor among them. In addition, we have engaged 5 part-time professors (doctoral tutor), including 3 major leaders and 2 academic leaders of the SUCT. m4+3wh,.6nR2.,W

The subjects of SMSE cover Materials Science, Materials Processing Engineering, Physics of Materials, Chemistry of Materials and Chemistry and Physics of Polymer. SMSE possesses multidisciplinary research fields including Polymer Materials, Ceramic Materials, Composite Materials and Preparation of Functional Polymers, and so on. u6+9iH9;6Sw7-5Z

At present, SMSE has five undergraduate courses including Chemistry of Materials, Physics of Materials, Polymer Materials and Engineering, Ceramic Materials, and Composite Materials and Engineering. There are over 1600 undergraduates. SMSE has 1 accredited Master’s Degree First-Level Subject (Material Science and Engineering) , 3 Second-Level Engineering Subjects (Material Science, Physics and Chemistry of Materials, and Materials Processing Engineering), and 1 Second–Level Science Subject (Chemistry and Physics of Polymer). SMSE has over 200 masters for the time being. g6.8NM6+6wF9.1d

In 2010, Polymer Materials and Engineering, and Ceramic Materials and Engineering were approved as National Professional Characteristic Subjects. In addition, Materials Science is a Key Academic Subject of Liaoning Province, and Materials Processing Engineering is a Key Academic Subject of SUCT. U5!5XK8=7Dy3.5G

At present, SMSE has a Research Center of Polymer Materials Engineering & Technology of Liaoning Province, a Key Laboratory of Applied Technology of Polymer Materials, Education Department of Liaoning Province, an Excellent Innovation Team of Polymer matrix composite materials, and a Research Center of Polymer Plastic Fabric Material Engineering Technology of Shenyang, and so forth. The staff of SMSE has undertaken a number of research projects including National 973 Projects、National Natural Science Foundation of China, 863 Projects, and Provincial, Municipal, Corporate and Military scientific research projects. In recent years, more than 800 papers have been published and over 60 patents have been applied and gotten the authorization. Numbers of awards have been achieved such as the first prize, second prize and the third prize of Science and Technology Progress of the Liaoning Province. h3=6vV,+10J2;4o

Currently, over 5000 m2 of laboratory building has been put into use. SUCT has invested more than 10 millions RMB to purchase advanced equipments for the synthesis and characterization of materials. A number of research achievements have acquired national and provincial “Challenge Cup” Technology Innovation Award. c6.90N5:6dP5?8U

SMSE has been performing an active academic exchange with foreign universities including Gunma University (Japan), Toyama Prefectural University (Japan), University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy (Sofia of Bulgaria), and Chungnam National University (Korea). d8,Ot4~5zf9+5O

SMSE are becoming much greater and stronger after several generations’ hard work and have acquired exciting and noteworthy achievements. More than 5000 undergraduates and 300 graduate students have graduated from SMSE. Their footprints have been throughout the whole country and created extraordinary achievements in every field of work. a7!,EZ8-2nV2=5a

We are full of confidence to the future’s prospects and development of SMSE adhering to the motto “Study diligently, work hard in practice, develop reason and explore truth”. N5;5NG2-6gJ1:6b



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