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2021-6-14 07:53
2021-9-10 22:06



南京工业大学浦江学院是经国家教育部正式批准,由国家首批入选“2011计划”的南京工业大学和著名的正大跨国国际集团全面战略合作,联合举办的独立高等院校。汽车工程学院(简称汽车学院)是南京工业大学浦江学院重点建设的二级学院。汽车学院以本科统招学历教育为主,专业涵盖车辆工程,汽车服务工程,工业工程三大发展方向。 Q2!9Bb9;2Bz61f

  Pujiang College of Nanjing University of Technology is an independent college established jointly by Nanjing University of Technology, one of national “2011 Plan”, and famous multinational CP International Group through comprehensive strategic cooperation and formally approved by Ministry of Education. Automotive Engineering College (Auto College for short) is a secondary school under key construction of Pujiang College, Nanjing University of Technology. Based on bachelor education, there are Vehicle Engineering,Automobile Service Engineering and Industrial Engineering development majors. r9!7Fg2-6AB8=6I


  College’s Philosophy (Educational Characteristics) p8?8cl7-5ni3-8x

  汽车学院秉承为学生创造机会的“双元制”办学方针,按照世界汽车奢侈品牌企业对汽车售后服务与管理类人才的需求,全面培养汽车高级技能型管理人才。 y19Tb5=2al7?4V

  By adhering to the “Dual System” guiding principle of creating opportunities for students and Auto College trains senior skilled auto management personnel comprehensively according to the requirements of famous global luxury brand auto manufacturer on auto after-sale and management talents. O8?1ZU3,pv2=3V


  Teachers Qualification N8+4ov6~1Kt5.7a

  汽车学院拥有一支由富有车辆工程和汽车后市场服务与管理教学经验的教授、副教授、高级工程师、博士组成的教学科研团队,师资力量雄厚,形成了以著名汽车专家陈南教授、冯崇毅副教授、鲁植雄教授为学科带头人的学术梯队,教学和科研成果丰硕。与此同时,学院还与德国、比利时、法国、美国等国家的高校、科研机构、企业有着广泛的学术交流和人员交流。 t,+7he,!4FL9+6C

  Auto College has a strong teaching and researching team consisting of professors, associate professors, senior engineers and doctors with rich teaching experience in Vehicle Engineering , auto post-market service and management. The academic team is led by Professor CHEN Nan, Associate Professor FENG Chongyi, Professor LU Zhixiong who are famous auto experts, and it has made lots of teaching and researching achievements. The college also has wide academic exchange and personnel exchange with colleges, scientific research institutions and enterprises in German, Belgium, France, U.S. and other countries. A4~6eo4+1mw6-6x


  Practical Training Construction n4=3lj2!2mI,!7C

  汽车学院建有2000多平方米教学厂房的汽车实训中心,实训项目覆盖汽车维修、汽车整形、汽车检测、汽车营销等各个方向,设备投资现已达到1000多万元,未来的两年将陆续增至4000万元。此外,学院积极与企业合作,拥有稳定的校外实训基地,为学生实训、实习及就业构建了广阔的平台。 M21Ks3~1sd2=6m

  Auto College has an auto training center covering more than 2000m² and the practice training projects include auto maintenance, auto plastic surgery, auto inspection, auto marketing and other directions. The current investment in equipment is more than RMB10 million and it will increase to RMB40 million in the next two years. Besides, the college has actively cooperates with enterprises and has outside training practice bases, providing a wide platform for students to train, practice and get employment. p6?2mo,+5fX4.4J


  Teaching Activities L1=3Uv2=7VE4!5q

  汽车学院精心打造内容丰富、形式新颖、吸引力强的教学活动,为学生营造良好的学习氛围。此外,学院还积极提供经费保障,加强教学条件的建设。现学院教学设施完善,教学设备先进,学习、生活和文化体育运动设施齐全。 t5:3Bk5=6Jv9.6t

  Auto College prepares teaching activities with rich contents, novel forms and strong attractiveness elaborately to create a good learning atmosphere for students. Besides, the college also provides funds positively to strengthen construction of teaching conditions. Our college is of perfect facilities, advanced teaching equipment and complete learning, life, cultural and sports facilities. m2=,LE9:2sX4:5G



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南京工业大学浦江学院招生就业处 地址:江苏省南京市江宁区汤峰路96号 / 溧水区石湫镇励学路9号 详情>>
